
I made a presentation at RIPE 77 last year about personal data in the RIPE 
Database. Whilst I have been thinking a lot about this since then, and some 
other comments have been made on different mailing lists recently, no action 
has yet been considered.

This is not a trivial issue to fix and there are a number of points to 
consider. It will most likely require some semantic changes to the RIPE 
Database, and possibly the internal Registry Database and member portal may 
need some changes, as well as some work to be done by resource holders. It may 
also be an appropriate moment to review the requirements for contacts and 
contact data in both databases.

The optimal solution is to manage the changes necessary to be compliant with 
privacy laws and practices with the least technical changes and work required 
by resource holders within a reasonable time frame. I see two approaches to 
doing this, a lightweight and a heavyweight option.

The lightweight option is for myself, working with a couple of members who are 
interested in finding solutions for this issue, to look at all the concerns, 
raise points with the community for clarification and work towards a policy 
proposal on personal data in the RIPE Database.

The heavyweight option is to set up a task force to look at the whole issue 
surrounding contacts and personal data, consider possible solutions and report 
back to the community at a future RIPE Meeting.

My personal preference is for the lightweight option. Whilst it is an issue 
suitable for a Task Force to consider, history shows that Task Forces often 
take years to reach conclusions and workable solutions. The previous Data 
Protection Task Force met for 3 years and the recent Accountability Task Force 
has been meeting for over 2 years, whilst BCOP has been in operation for more 
than 5 years. I feel this issue needs a solution implementing this year.

I would like to hear opinions from the community on which way to go....

cheersdenisco-chair DB-WG

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