Hi Marcel,

I just want to start out by saying that the working groups are not a
support channel and this more routing than anything db related.

But with regards to your case, according to ripestat the prefixes are
announced by 2 ASNs but overall have 100% visibility (99% for the v6).

I am guessing any issues are most likely due to the other announcement.


On Sat, Mar 13, 2021, 09:07 Marcel Zimmer via db-wg <db-wg@ripe.net> wrote:

> Good morning dear community,
> it is an honor to be part of it :)
> We have applied for and been assigned our own AS at the beginning of the
> year (AS212033). Since yesterday the link to the first peering partner
> Lumen (AS3356) is available and the following networks should be announced:
> IPv4
> IPv6 2a10:5dc0::/32
> the corresponding routing objects sid created - so far so good :)
> Now yesterday I could observe the following:
> The first routers processed quite fast the Ipv4 routes and yesterday
> evening we had the following picture while looking glass of the Ipv4 and
> ipv6 network.
> https://www.bilder-upload.eu/bild-4a9957-1615622772.png.html
> https://www.bilder-upload.eu/bild-296f5c-1615622785.png.html
> Since then, somehow nothing happens.
> Do you have a tip for me where I should go troubleshooting?
> Greetings
> Marcel Zimmer

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