Hi Massimo

Your data does not match the data I got from the RIPE NCC...

On Wed, 7 Apr 2021 at 01:37, Massimo Candela via db-wg <db-wg@ripe.net> wrote:
> Hi all,

> At the moment there are 1350 prefixes with geofeeds coming from
> remarks/comments, mostly RIPE and ARIN. This number more than doubled in
> the last ~4 months.

>From the RIPE NCC:

Currently there are 24,408 INETNUM and 516,354 INET6NUM objects
containing a "remarks: geofeed: url" attribute in the database. These
have 7,731 distinct values in the INETNUMs and 1,045 distinct values
in the INET6NUMs.

co-chair DB-WG

> If a service is interested in importing all the geofeeds, the generic
> daily whois dumps produced by the rirs are perfect---including the
> public anonymized ones, since we just need the remarks. The
> implementation [1] uses such dumps. To the best of my knowledge, the geo
> providers supporting our draft are also using such dumps (apparently
> some were already familiar with them).
> Ciao,
> Massimo
> [1] https://github.com/massimocandela/geofeed-finder

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