> That would be fine if we had a very active and engaging community. Like we
> had 20 years ago. But the vast vast vast majority of this community is
> silent on almost all database matters. The vocal people are a handful of
> well known members of the community, whose views on many matters are also
> quite well known.
> Sometimes someone raises a point and it gets little or no response. Like
> assigning an allocation. Often the chairs know from face to face
> discussions, people want this option. But there is no discussion. In
> situations like this I've found that a chair needs to drive the discussion.
> Even if that means making an outrageous suggestion that no one will agree
> to, but it generates a reaction. From the following discussion we can move
> forward.
> Also sometimes a chair needs to throw ideas out into the community to move
> the service forwards. The chairs talk with the NCC engineers. We often
> discuss ideas that no one in the community is thinking about. If the chairs
> don't then raise it with the community the idea can never be considered.
> So either the chairs or the NCC engineers need to be able to put ideas into
> the public domain, and sometimes drive the discussion to get it started, or
> technically and socially the database as a product and service just
> stagnates.
> I often take on this role, as well as the devil's advocate to question what
> others say. I don't see it as pushing a personal agenda. I have no personal
> agenda. It doesn't matter to me personally if the database evolves or dies.
> It does matter to the industry and society. I have no employer or financial
> interest in how the database evolves. I can look at each issue and consider
> how it fits in with that old saying...for the good of the Internet.
> This is one of the reasons why I've put myself forward again as a chair for
> another couple of years. I hope in that time David can spearhead a new
> generation of WG chairs. Then dinosaurs like myself (and others) can ascend
> into advisory positions instead of decision making roles.
> Cheers
> Denis




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