
They fixed a bug in rakudo last night that means a lot more of the pm's build, still investigating the rest. There a number of additional classes being discovered by javap (above the list you supplied). Do you want these to be typecast to 'Any'?

Rakudo currently doesn't support 'Array of' - so the returns parameters are now returning 'Array' without a type, I've included the type info in a comment at the end of line. Method parameters just get the appropriate sigil now.

Typecasting was causing several multi methods to end up with the same signature, I've amended the generator to remove the duplicates.

I added them to a copy of the list and it starts bring in stuff like the Java print system classes etc. when run against java2perl.

Do you want a snapshot of what I've done so far, or would you rather wait until it's more complete?

What sort of Google account do I need to commit?


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