Revision: 85
Author: perlpilot
Date: Mon Aug 10 23:01:36 2009
Log: Fix POD output to not interfere with reading the docs via perldoc


--- /trunk/bin/java2perl6       Mon Aug 10 15:31:12 2009
+++ /trunk/bin/java2perl6       Mon Aug 10 23:01:36 2009
@@ -94,15 +94,7 @@

     # include the decompiled java for reference
-    $output .= <<"EOS";
-=begin pod
-=head1 Java
-=end pod
+    $output .= "=begin pod\n\n=head1 Java\n\n$decomp\n\n=end pod\n";

     my $file_name;
     if ( $outdir eq 'STDOUT' ) {

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