Revision: 89
Author: tim.bunce
Date: Tue Aug 11 05:31:32 2009
Log: Added a TODO file with an off-the-top-of-my-head list of things we need done


--- /dev/null
+++ /trunk/TODO Tue Aug 11 05:31:32 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+A quick rough list in no particular order:
+Move multi-line strings used for comparison tests out from the test script
+into separate text files. Then if a test fails write the new output to a
+different file (same name, extra extension). That way when the code
+generation is changed the tests can be sync'd just by renaming the new file
+over the old one. (This approach has worked well for the NYTProf tests.)
+Improve test coverage.
+Handle constants in class/interface definitions. For example:
+    public static final int CONCUR_READ_ONLY;
+Find a way to extract the actual constant value from Java and embed
+into the generated class/role?
+Someone with reasonable knowledge of perl6 and java should sanity check the
+translation and document the issues/tradeoffs.
+Write some tests that run perl6 code that consumes a generated role.
+Polish Makefile.PL/META.yml etc. for release.

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