As you may know, the excellent site now has a ratings

You can view the ratings for a specific distribution and add your
own in the form of 1-thru-5 ratings on Documentation, Interface,
Ease of Use, plus an Overall rating and space for a written Review.

I'm trying to get a better understanding of which of the very many
DBI related modules are more popular and why. The new ratings system
seems like an ideal way to do that *and* help the DBI community by
making all the information available on Great.

So, I'm hoping that you can spare a few minutes to jot down a list
of all the DBI related modules (well, actually, distributions) that
you've tried. Not just the ones you currently use, but also ones
you tried but decided not to use for some reason. They're just as

Then visit search for each distribution,
pick the relevant version you use/used, and click on the "Rate this
distribution" link. (If you don't yet have a account it'll
take you to a form to set one up, very quick, and no risk of spam.)

Many thanks in advance.


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