I have released a new development release (1.16_1) od DBD::ODBC this morning. It includes some bug fixes and a few new features - a summary below. Please let me know if you experience any problems with this release.

Fixed bug in odbc_cancel which was checking the ACTIVE flag was on
before calling SQLCancel. Non-select statements can also be cancelled
so this was wrong. Thanks to Dean Arnold for spotting.

Minor changes to test 01base to attempt to catch install_driver
failing, report it as a fail and skip other tests.

Fixed bug reported by James K. Lowden with asynchronous mode and
SQLParamData where the code was not expecting SQL_STILL_EXECUTING and
did not handle it

Added odbc_putdata_start attribute to determine when to start using
SQLPutData on lobs.

Fixed bug in lob inserts where decimal_digits was being set to the
size of the bound lob unnecessarily.

Minor change to connect/login code to delete driver-specific attributes
passed to connect so they do not have to be processed again when DBI
calls STORE with them.

New 12blob.t test.

A lot of code tidy up but not expecting any real benefit or detriment
when using DBD::ODBC.

Fixed retrieving [n]varchar(max) columns which were only returning 1
byte - thanks to Fumiaki Yoshimatsu and perl monks for finding it.
See http://markmail.org/message/fiym5r7q22oqlzsf#query:Fumiaki Yoshimatsu odbc+page:1+mid:fiym5r7q22oqlzsf+state:results

Various minor changes to get the CPANTS kwalitee score up.
  fixed pod issues in FAQ.pm
  moved mytest dir to examples
  added generated_by and requires perl version to META.yml
  added pod and pod-coverage tests
  removed executable flag from Makefile.PL
  added use warnings to some modules and tests
  fixed pod errors in ODBC.pm
  added AUTHOR and LICENSE section to ODBC.pm
  added Test::NoWarnings to tests

Added support for setting the new(ish) DBI ReadOnly attribute on a
connection. See notes in pod.

Changes to test suite to work around problems in Oracle's instant
client 11r1 ODBC driver for Linux (SQLColAttributes problems - see

New tests in 30Oracle.t for oracle procedures.

Martin J. Evans
Easysoft Limited

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