Thomas A. Lowery wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 31, 2001 at 09:26:14AM +0100, Steffen Goeldner wrote:
> > Attached is *not* a patch - it's a first cut and a cry for help!
> > I have problems mapping the ADO fields to SQL/CLI (ODBC, DBI)
> > fields, especially the datatype related fields.
> > I guess that the magic DBD::ADO::_determine_type_support() may
> > provide part of a solution.
> > Any suggestions, hints, insides, patches, ... are welcome!
> > BTW: It seems, that the statement handle attributes need the
> >      same mapping.
> Now that I'm looking at this again I remember why I skipped it ;->
> >
> >       sub column_info {
> I'm beginning to remember why converting ADO to the SQL/ODBC was such a
> pain:  Take a simple example of what OpenSchema(adSchemaProviderType)
  ---- !!!

> returns verse what the table column types return.
> The Provider supports:
> -> data type Short:          2
> -> data type Long:           3
> -> data type Single:         4
> -> data type Double:         5
> -> data type Currency:       6
> -> data type DateTime:       7
> -> data type Bit:           11
> -> data type Byte:          17
> -> data type GUID:          72
> -> data type BigBinary:    128
> -> data type LongBinary:   128
> -> data type VarBinary:    128
> -> data type LongText:     130
> -> data type VarChar:      130
> -> data type Decimal:      131

Looks like Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0?

> However, my table columns types are
>                 Number:     5 (adDouble)
>         Text:     202 (adVarWChar)
>         Number:   131 (adNumeric)
>         Number:   131 (adNumeric)
>         Date/Time:  7 (adDate)
>         Memo:     203 (adLongVarWChar)

Can you list some provider properties, please?
My provider returns other results, see attachment.
> Type 5   is     supported at line 36
> Type 202 is not supported at line 36
> Type 131 is     supported at line 36
> Type 131 is     supported at line 36
> Type 7   is     supported at line 36
> Type 203 is not supported at line 36
> So the Provider does not supply any information on how to support
> data types adVarWChar and adLongVarWChar.

IMO, the provider is buggy! From the ADO docs:

 adVarChar      200 Indicates a string value
                    (Parameter object only).
 adVarWChar     202 Indicates a null-terminated Unicode character
                    string (Parameter object only).
 adLongVarWChar 203 Indicates a long null-terminated Unicode string
                    value (Parameter object only).

Note: Parameter object only! Thus, a Field object should never
      contain these datatypes.

Further, these types are no valid 'Type Indicators' for the
DATA_TYPE column of the COLUMNS Rowset.
> Converting from the an ADO type to the SQL/ODBC type, without support
> from the provider, may be difficult.
> We'll need to look at more then just the type in an attempt to map it.

>From the COLUMNS Rowset (adSchemaColumns), we'll need:

 - DATA_TYPE                     !
 - IS_NULLABLE                   ? see COLUMN_FLAGS
 - COLUMN_FLAGS                  ! not all flags, but:
   - ...                         ? e.g. DBCOLUMNFLAGS_ISROWID

Thus, a DBD::ADO method (to be written!) like:

   $sql_type = ado2sql( $ado_type, $is_fix, $is_long )

should give us an appropriate SQL DATA_TYPE (in most cases).
Finding the TYPE_NAME seems much harder (I think we'll need

Unfortunately, every source (COLUMNS Rowset, PROVIDER_TYPES Rowset,
Field object) returns the type info in a slightly different way :-(

> As the provider above shows, the same data type may have different
> column type depending on the other attributes:
>                  TYPE_NAME
>                 *DATA_TYPE
>                 *COLUMN_SIZE
>                  LITERAL_PREFIX
>                  LITERAL_SUFFIX
>                  CREATE_PARAMS
>                  IS_NULLABLE
>                  CASE_SENSITIVE
>                  SEARCHABLE
>                 *UNSIGNED_ATTRIBUTE
>                 *FIXED_PREC_SCALE
>                 *AUTO_UNIQUE_VALUE
>                 *LOCAL_TYPE_NAME
>                  MINIMUM_SCALE
>                  MAXIMUM_SCALE
>                  GUID
>                  TYPELIB
>                  VERSION
>                 *IS_LONG
>                 *BEST_MATCH
>                 *IS_FIXEDLENGTH
> I'll look at mapping the SQL_* types to ADO attributes.
> Tom


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