Just stumbled on this in c.l.p.modules, thought it deserves to be
bounced around here...IMHO, this would be *very* gnarly!

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Aaron J Mackey" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Newsgroups: comp.lang.perl.modules
Sent: Tuesday, February 26, 2002 7:54 AM
Subject: RFC: Inline::SQL

> No real code yet, just some example usage; I'm "trolling" for feedback and
> concerns before I really get into it:
> #!/usr/bin/perl -Tw
> use Inline;
> my ($host, $user, $pw, $db) = qw(localhost me youwish mydb);
> Inline->bind(SQL  => DATA,
>              DBD  => 'mysql',
>              HOST => $host,
>              USER => $user,
>              PW   => $pw,
>              DB   => $db);
> my $id = get_user_id('phooey');
> set_user_name($id, 'phoooey');
> my @users = get_users();
> __DATA__
> /* get_user_id($name) */
> select id
> from   users
> where  name like $name
> /* set_user_name($id, $name) */
> update users
> set    name = $name
> where  id = $id
> /* get_users() */
> select id, name
> from   users
> order by name asc
> To flesh out the ideas, here are some of my own comments:
> 1. We need to specify connection metadata (DBD driver to use, and
> connection parameters: we can specify those at import time (use Inline SQL
> => DATA, HOST => 'myhost', etc), or at run time via Inline->bind(), or in
> a metadata section of the __DATA__ stream (not sure I like that so much).
> 2. Inline::SQL would parse the __DATA__ stream looking for function
> prototypes between /* */ C comments (suggestions for other
> syntax/delimiters welcome), followed by sql statements that make use of
> the variable names (i.e. none of this ?, ?, ? stuff); I think this yields
> more readable Perl code [rather than $sth->prepare($name, $id), we have
> set_name($id, $name) ].
> 3. Inline::SQL would use DBI methods to handle the requests (with
> prepare_cached and whatnot on transmogrified SQL statements
> containing appropriate ? placeholders).
> 4. We'd use wantarray() to figure out whether we need to return an array
> of rows from a select statement, or whether to return a single row.
> Drawbacks of Inline::SQL :
> 1. Don't see a clean way to do the usual prepare(), while(fetch()) looping
> you'd normally do with DBI; Inline::SQL functions will always return all
> of the results (potentially very large sets).
> Others I'm sure; only just beginning to think about it.
> Feedback very welcome, as always.
> -Aaron

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