Tim Bunce wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 18, 2002 at 12:05:28PM +0100, Steffen Goeldner wrote:

> A more realistic example would be for drivers that return empty
> strings or NULL for the catalog portion.

Currently, DBD::Oracle's table_info() method returns '' -> NULL ->
undef for the PUBLIC pseudo-schema:

  , decode( t.OWNER, 'PUBLIC', '', t.OWNER ) TABLE_SCHEM

Oracle's weird '' -> NULL conversion has one advantage: DBI's
tables() method does the right thing (it omits the schema part).
BTW: Should tables() really return something like '""."DBA_TABLES"'
for empty schemas?

Unfortunately, an empty schema argument (currently) does not match
the PUBLIC schema.
Should I generate another predicate for that case?

> > + However, an empty string ('') is treated as a regular search criteria
> > + and will only match an empty value.
> Does that apply equally ato both ordinary values and search patterns?

I think yes. Maybe I'm wrong, but see again

  <http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg01045.html>

for *my* interpretation of the ODBC spec. (IMO, the spec gives a very
nebulous impression about that topic.)

> > + escape character which can be retrieved with
> > +
> > +   $esc = $dbh->get_info( 14 );  # SQL_SEARCH_PATTERN_ESCAPE
> +       $search_pattern =~ s/([_%])/$esc$1/g;


> > + The ODBC and SQL/CLI specifications define a way to change the default
> > + behavior described above: All arguments (except list value arguments) are
> > + treated as identifier if the C<SQL_ATTR_METADATA_ID> attribute is set to
> > + C<SQL_TRUE>.
> If "identifier" is not the same as "ordinary value" then the difference ought to
> be explained here.


> > + The DBI (currently) does not support the C<SQL_ATTR_METADATA_ID> attribute,
> > + i.e. it behaves like an ODBC driver where C<SQL_ATTR_METADATA_ID> is set to
> > + C<SQL_FALSE>.
>  ... which is the default setting for most (all?) ODBC drivers?

The default according to ODBC (3.0).

*** DBI-1.21-orig/DBI.pm        Thu Feb 07 04:15:50 2002
--- DBI.pm      Mon Mar 18 23:27:01 2002
*** 3120,3126 ****
  Note that C<table_info> might not return records for all tables.
  Applications can use any valid table regardless of whether it's
  returned by C<table_info>.
! See also L</tables> and L</"Standards Reference Information">.
  =item C<column_info> I<NEW>
--- 3120,3128 ----
  Note that C<table_info> might not return records for all tables.
  Applications can use any valid table regardless of whether it's
  returned by C<table_info>.
! See also L</tables>, L</"Catalog Methods"> and
! L</"Standards Reference Information">.
  =item C<column_info> I<NEW>
*** 3234,3240 ****
  Note: There is some overlap with statement attributes (in perl) and
  SQLDescribeCol (in ODBC). However, SQLColumns provides more metadata.
! See also L</"Standards Reference Information">.
  =item C<primary_key_info> I<NEW>
--- 3236,3242 ----
  Note: There is some overlap with statement attributes (in perl) and
  SQLDescribeCol (in ODBC). However, SQLColumns provides more metadata.
! See also L</"Catalog Methods"> and L</"Standards Reference Information">.
  =item C<primary_key_info> I<NEW>
*** 3277,3283 ****
  B<PK_NAME>: The primary key constraint identifier.
  This field is NULL (C<undef>) if not applicable to the data source.
! See also L</"Standards Reference Information">.
  =item C<primary_key> I<NEW>
--- 3279,3285 ----
  B<PK_NAME>: The primary key constraint identifier.
  This field is NULL (C<undef>) if not applicable to the data source.
! See also L</"Catalog Methods"> and L</"Standards Reference Information">.
  =item C<primary_key> I<NEW>
*** 3404,3410 ****
  key and PRIMARY if the foreign key references a primary key, or it
  may be undefined if the driver doesn't have access to the information.
! See also L</"Standards Reference Information">.
  =item C<tables> I<NEW>
--- 3406,3412 ----
  key and PRIMARY if the foreign key references a primary key, or it
  may be undefined if the driver doesn't have access to the information.
! See also L</"Catalog Methods"> and L</"Standards Reference Information">.
  =item C<tables> I<NEW>
*** 4461,4466 ****
--- 4463,4521 ----
+ =head2 Catalog Methods
+ An application can retrieve metadata information from the DBMS by issuing
+ appropriate queries on the views of the Information Schema. Unfortunately,
+ C<INFORMATION_SCHEMA> views are seldom supported by the DBMS.
+ Special methods (catalog methods) are available to return result sets
+ for a small but important portion of that metadata:
+   column_info
+   foreign_key_info
+   primary_key_info
+   table_info
+ All catalog methods accept arguments in order to restrict the result sets.
+ Passing C<undef> to an optional argument does not constrain the search for
+ that argument.
+ However, an empty string ('') is treated as a regular search criteria
+ and will only match an empty value.
+ B<Note>: SQL/CLI and ODBC differ in the handling of empty strings. An
+ empty string will not restrict the result set in SQL/CLI.
+ Most arguments in the catalog methods accept only I<ordinary values>, e.g.
+ the arguments of C<primary_key_info()>.
+ Such arguments are treated as a literal string, i.e. the case is significant
+ and quote characters are taken literally.
+ Some arguments in the catalog methods accept I<search patterns> (strings
+ containing '_' and/or '%'), e.g. the C<$table> argument of C<column_info()>.
+ Passing '%' is equivalent to leaving the argument C<undef>.
+ B<Caveat>: The underscore ('_') is valid and often used in SQL identifiers.
+ Passing such a value to a search pattern argument may return more rows than
+ expected!
+ To include pattern characters as literals, they must be preceded by an
+ escape character which can be achieved with
+   $esc = $dbh->get_info( 14 );  # SQL_SEARCH_PATTERN_ESCAPE
+   $search_pattern =~ s/([_%])/$esc$1/g;
+ The ODBC and SQL/CLI specifications define a way to change the default
+ behavior described above: All arguments (except I<list value arguments>)
+ are treated as I<identifier> if the C<SQL_ATTR_METADATA_ID> attribute is
+ set to C<SQL_TRUE>.
+ I<Quoted identifiers> are very similar to I<ordinary values>, i.e. their
+ body (the string within the quotes) is interpreted literally.
+ I<Unquoted identifiers> are compared in UPPERCASE.
+ The DBI (currently) does not support the C<SQL_ATTR_METADATA_ID> attribute,
+ i.e. it behaves like an ODBC driver where C<SQL_ATTR_METADATA_ID> is set to
  =head2 Transactions

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