[heavily snipped]
> It takes the output from DBD::ODBC's type_info_all method and 
> maps it writes a new copy of the hash.  I actually wrote it 
> to handle the extra attributes you documented, and was 
> pleasantly surprised to find DBD::ODBC 1.01 already providing 
> the extra attributes (possibly simply because the ODBC driver 
> I was using provided them too, but maybe there was more to it 
> than that).  

That's going to depend upon your driver manager (DM), your driver and
how "you" represent yourself to the DM (I.e. ODBC 2.x application or
ODBC 3.x).

I believe the DM should map the correct result set depending upon how
the application represents itself to the DM.  As of DBD::ODBC 0.43_1,
DBD::ODBC tries to be an ODBC 3.x app instead of a 2.x app.  That was
one of the *major* changes in DBD::ODBC and brought to light a LOT of
quirks.  Lots of things are up in the air, though, when you link
directly to the driver.  You are *very* dependant upon what the driver
tells you.

I really can't take credit here, becase I'm just calling the appropriate
ODBC API, not creating it myself.  So, give the Informix CLI folks their



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