On Tue, Sep 23, 2003 at 08:39:34PM +0100, Tony Bowden wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 23, 2003 at 11:56:26AM +0000, Dominic Mitchell wrote:
> > However, when you attempt to access one of the non-PK columns, it blows
> > up:
> >     print $pref->value, "\n";
> >     # dies with:
> >     # Can't select for 5502/foo using 'SELECT value
> >     # FROM   account_preference
> >     # WHERE  acc_id=? AND name=?
> >     # ': Not an array reference (Account=HASH(0x8c43bf0)) at ...
> Yick.
> As discovered from talking to Dominic off list, it seems that DBD::Pg
> doesn't like being given overloaded objects as placeholder values:

That's a bug in the driver. May affect other drivers so I've cc'd


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