Tim Bunce wrote:
> Yes, it's a bug. Try this:
> --- DBI.xs      2003/08/21 22:34:45     11.32
> +++ DBI.xs      2003/10/10 15:23:34
> @@ -2354,10 +2354,10 @@
>         if (debug) {
>             SAVEI32(DBIS->debug);       /* fall back to orig value later */
> +           DBIS->debug = debug;        /* make value global (for now)   */
>             if (ima && debug < ima->trace_level) {
>                 debug = 0;              /* silence dispatch log for this method */
>             }
> -           DBIS->debug = debug;        /* make value global (for now)   */
>         }
>         imp_msv = (SV*)gv_fetchmethod(DBIc_IMP_STASH(imp_xxh), meth_name);

Seems to work (see attachment), thanks.

Using DBI-1.38-trc/blib
    DBI 1.38-nothread dispatch trace level set to 9
    >> trace_msg   DISPATCH (DBI::db=HASH(0x815d03c) rc1/1 @3 g0 ima5 pid#15667) at 
../trace.pl line 10
    -> trace_msg in DBD::_::common for DBD::Sponge::db 
(DBI::db=HASH(0x815d03c)~0x8218000 '=> 9 <=' 9)
=> 9 <=    <- trace_msg= 1 at ../trace.pl line 10
    DBI 1.38-nothread dispatch trace level set to 8
    -> trace_msg for DBD::Sponge::db (DBI::db=HASH(0x815d03c)~0x8218000 '=> 8 <=' 8)
=> 8 <=    <- trace_msg= 1 at ../trace.pl line 10
    DBI 1.38-nothread dispatch trace level set to 7
=> 7 <=    DBI 1.38-nothread dispatch trace level set to 6
=> 6 <=    DBI 1.38-nothread dispatch trace level set to 5
=> 5 <=    DBI 1.38-nothread dispatch trace level set to 4
=> 4 <=    DBI 1.38-nothread dispatch trace level set to 3
=> 3 <=    DBI 1.38-nothread dispatch trace level set to 2
=> 2 <=    DBI 1.38-nothread dispatch trace level set to 1
=> 1 <==> 0 <=

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