Hello fellow coders,

I have successfully subclassed DBI with the intent of overridding the connect method so that I can retrieve the password from my password server. One of my primary considerations in subclassing DBI was to not change the interface. However, one of my co-workers is insisting that we modify the interface so that a RDBMS's name be passed separately. My point back to him was that there are RDBMS's that do not have a name but rather an address (host:port).

My question is: Do I attempt to parse the DSN for the name of the server, or force my users to pass it separately ? I am heavily leaning to the former as this allows a very seamless transitition to the new module. However, I am loathe to investigate and write/lift parsing code for each DBD I want to support.

Here's where you come in and say, "Good idea Chuck, but...."



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