I'd appreciate some testing on a variety of platforms, perls and drivers.


=head2 Changes in DBI 1.40,    7th January 2004

  Fixed handling of CachedKids when DESTROYing threaded handles.
  Fixed sql_user_name() in DBI::DBD::Metadata (used by write_getinfo_pm)
    to use $dbh->{Username}. Driver authors please update your code.

  Changed connect_cached() when running under Apache::DBI
    to route calls to Apache::DBI::connect().

  Added CLONE() to DBD::Sponge and DBD::ExampleP.
  Added warning when starting a new thread about any loaded driver
    which does not have a CLONE() function.
  Added new prepare_cache($sql, \%attr, 3) option to manage Active handles.
  Added SCALE and NULLABLE support to DBD::Sponge.
  Added missing execute() in fetchall_hashref docs thanks to Iain Truskett.
  Added a CONTRIBUTING section to the docs with notes on creating patches.


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