On Mon, 26 Jan 2004 10:48:07 +0100, Steffen Goeldner

>Hi Jan,
>the fetch method of DBD::ADO::st contains the following lines:
>    my $row =
>      [ map { $rs->Fields($_->{Name})->{Value} } @$ado_fields ];
>    # Jan Dubois [EMAIL PROTECTED] addition to handle changes
>    # in Win32::OLE return of Variant types of data.
>    foreach (@$row) {
>      $_ = $_->As( Win32::OLE::Variant::VT_BSTR() )
>        if UNIVERSAL::isa($_, 'Win32::OLE::Variant');
>    }
>where $rs is an ADO Recordset. Is the foreach loop really
>necessary, i.e. can a Field value be a Win32::OLE::Variant?

Yes, it will return a VARIANT if the data type is VT_DATE.

>I thought the Value method always returns a Perl value?
>What does the comment mean, i.e. what are these 'changes in
>Win32::OLE return of Variant types of data'?

VT_DATE  values used to be returned as strings, but that doesn't give
you any control over how the date is formatted.  A long time ago I
changed Win32::OLE to return them as VARIANTs.  If you include the
Win32::OLE::Variant module, they will still be stringified as before,
but you can then also treat them as objects and use the
Win32::OLE::Variant methods to format them the way you want to.

It was discovered too late that this was a change in behavior for
applications that do *not* use the Win32::OLE::Variant module.  Since
reverting the behavior would have broken programs written after the
change, I left the new behavior as is.

In Win32::OLE 0.18 and later VT_CY and VT_DECIMAL values may also be
returned as Win32::OLE::Variant objects, but only if you ask for that

    Win32::OLE->Option(Variant => 1);


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