On Sun, 25 Jul 2004 13:31:51 -0700, Dean Arnold typed:
> <caveat>
> while not strictly a DBI issue, I'm going to
> kick this off here, since its pretty relevant
> (ala SQL::Statement).
> If I'm out of line, or should restrict this
> to one or the other lists, please advise
> </caveat>
> A couple years ago, someone posted an RFC and some
> questions about building an Inline::SQL module. Alas,
> while I was pretty enthused about it, it never
> seemed to get off the ground.
> Of late, that particular scratch has needed some
> serious itchin' on my part, esp. since I've
> been playing with Inline::C, and some Acme
> modules. So, I've sketched out some POD
> to get the ball rolling. I'm looking for some feedback,
> esp related to
> - embedded SQL syntax for various databases
> - possible feature requests/needs for optimal
> Perl integration
> - alternate namespace suggestions
> - possible problems with the syntax I've sketched
> out in the POD (its certainly possible that
> pluggable database-specific syntax parsing
> may need to be accomodated, like DBD::AnyData)
> While I won't be able to do serious development for
> some time, its the sort of thing I can work on to clear
> my head when other projects fog my brain.
> And of course, anyone wanting to pitch is welcome!

My 0.02USD is this implementation detail: you have to tell Filter::Simple not to 
replace the embedded SQL but to comment it out and add the filtered code or else 
debugging will be a royal PITA.

To be honest, given a native API, I have never understood the desire for embedded SQL. 
But TIMTOWTDI, so good luck.
Matthew O. Persico

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