This should be on the dbi-users list.  Are you sure all of the
environment variables are set?  Can you show the code?  The 
ORA-12154 is TNS error, 

12154, 00000, "TNS:could not resolve service name"
// *Cause:  The service name specified is not defined correctly in the
// *Action:  Make the following checks and correct the error:
//           - Verify that a TNSNAMES.ORA file exists and is in the
//             place and accessible. See the operating system specific
//             for details on the required name and location.
//           - Check to see that the service name exists in one of the
//             TNSNAMES.ORA files and add it if necessary.
//           - Make sure there are no syntax errors anywhere in the
//             Particularly look for unmatched parentheses or stray
//             Any error in a TNSNAMES.ORA file makes it unusable. See
//             Chapter 4 in the SQL*Net V2 Administrator's Guide. If
//             possible, regenerate the configuration files using the
//             Network Manager. other words it doesn't know the db you are trying to connect to,
which means the ORACLE_SID is not set or it is wrong in your connect 
statement.  Posting the code would help.

On Tue, 2004-08-03 at 15:51, Robert wrote:
> Hi list
> Command line script test2-cgi works fine but when I try from the browser it is 
> giving the following error
> DBI connect('db1','report',...) failed: Error while trying to retrieve text for 
> error ORA-12154 (DBD ERROR: OCIServerAttach) at /home/report/www/cgi-bin/test2-cgi 
> line 72
> I have complete ORACLE environment set, I can connect using sqlplus and also can run 
> tnsping the database without any issues at command prompt. 
> Anyone know how to fix this issue?.
> Thanks in advance

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