On Thu, Oct 21, 2004 at 07:52:42AM +0200, Honza Pazdziora wrote:
> t/25plsql is now clean. The perl -Mblib yields
> Can't select from function (ORA-06553: PLS-561: character set mismatch on value for 
> parameter 'ARG2'
> ORA-06553: PLS-561: character set mismatch on value for parameter 'ARG' (DBD ERROR: 
> error possibly near <*> indicator at char 7 in 'SELECT <*>dbd_oracle_nvctest(:p1, 
> :p2) FROM DUAL'))

It's odd that the error is happening on the prepare.

> t/21nchar............... Database and client versions and character sets:
> Database CHAR set is EE8ISO8859P2 (Non-Unicode), NCHAR set is EE8ISO8859P2 
> (Non-Unicode)
> Client NLS_LANG is '<unset>', NLS_NCHAR is '<unset>'

If you run the test with NLS_LANG="AMERICAN_AMERICA.EE8ISO8859P2"
does that avoid the error?

If Steffan's error is the same then I suspect it won't, and I can't
blame it on a 9.x client talking to an 8.x server as he's 8.1 to 8.1.
If it's an Oracle 8.x bug then I'll just disable that test if the
server is 8.x, but I won't know it is unless I can test a similar
charset configuration on 9.x.

> Once more, sorry about the bogus bug report about t/23wide_db_8bit.

No problem - keeps me on my toes :)

Can you please send (just me) the output of

        DBI_TRACE=9 perl -Mblib t/25plsql.t > 25plsql.og 2>&1



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