I’ve made a patch to fetchall_hashref to handle multiple column key. Selectall_hashref will inherit the same result and syntax. Here is an example:


For tables with a multiple columns primary key, an array reference

can be specified:


  $sth = $dbh->prepare("SELECT date, account, revenue, profit FROM TABLE");


  $hash_ref = $sth->fetchall_hashref([qw(date account)]);   # or $hash_ref = $sth->fetchall_hashref([1,2]);

  print "Revenue for account 42 on 2005-02-18 is $hash_ref->{'2005-02-18'}{42}{revenue}\n";



Thanks, Tim, for answering my questions.



Zhuang (John) Li

Attachment: DBI-1.47.your_foo.patch
Description: DBI-1.47.your_foo.patch

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