DBD::Oracle has suffered from my lack of spare time in recent years.

I've postponed the inevitable long enough.  Realistically I can't
maintain DBD::Oracle and move forward with other work, such as DBI v2
and Perl 6 etc., with my limited spare time.

I'm looking for someone to take the lead and, hopefully, others
to contribute. I will, of course, be available for help etc.

There's some small measure of fame but no fortune here.[*]

I'm asking of dbi-dev first. If I get no takers I'll cast the net wider.


[*] There is $500 sitting in The Perl Foundation DBI grant, put there at my
request by a kind DBD::Oracle using company (they were going to give it to
me directly). I think it would be reasonable for me to ask TPF to pay that
to whoever shows commitment to ongoing maintainance of DBD::Oracle over
the coming months. I can't promise though as it's up to TPF to decide.

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