On Wed, May 11, 2005 at 09:36:26AM -0700, Dean Arnold wrote:
> I may have missed this in the archives, but google
> didn't shed any light, so here goes...
> DBI currently defines a readonly ParamValues $sth attribute;
> is there a need for an equivalent ParamTypes attribute ?

Yeap: http://groups-beta.google.com/groups?q=ParamTypes%20bunce


> I'm currently dealing with an app that needs to retrieve
> parameter type info, and will be adding a driver-specific
> attribute for it, but thought it might be something that DBI
> in general might need.
> FWIW: my implementation will return a hashref of
> parameter type info keyed by parameter name (or number),
> with values consisting of hashrefs of
> ala the returned fields type info, plus an IN/OUT/INOUT indicator
> for stored procedure calls (string based: 'IN', 'OUT', 'INOUT').
> If no type info is available for a
> parameter, its TYPE will be SQL_UNKNOWN_TYPE; if a piece of the
> type info is missing or not relevant, (e.g., VARCHAR wo/ a
> defined PRECISION, or the PRECISION/SCALE for an INTEGER),
> then that piece of info is omitted.
> Thoughts ? Did I overlook an existing attribute or i/f ?
> Regards,
> Dean Arnold
> Presicient Corp.

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