=head1 Changes in DBD-Oracle 1.17 RC2 (svn rev 2385)

  Fixed automatic csform setting for some UTF8 cases and for Oracle 8.0
  Fixed truncation error on fetch into UTF8 charset thanks to Honza Pazdziora.
  Fixed INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND thanks to Honza Pazdziora.
  Fixed undef warnings when connecting with undef $user.
  Fixed LOB streaming example thanks to Pablo Zorzoli.

  Added support for nested cursors in select lists thanks to Charles Jardine.
  Added "Trailing Spaces" section to docs thanks to Michael A Chase.
  Added support for binary floats/doubles thanks to Dennis Box.

  Changed "Binding Cursors" docs, clarifying examples thanks to Charles Jardine.
  Changed Makefile.PL to avoid risk of sqlplus hanging thanks to Mark Dedlow,
    and more reliably use correct sqlplus thanks to Honza Pazdziora.
  Changed Makefile.PL to prefer ~/rdbms/public over other ~/rdbms/* for .h 
  Changed Makefile.PL to improve build rule detection.
  Changed Makefile.PL to improve cygwin build thanks to Andy Hassall.
  Changed Makefile.PL to Instant Client build support thanks to Hilmar Lapp.
  Changed Makefile.PL to do VMS logical name checks thanks to Jakob Snoer.
  Updated README.vms re logical name tables thanks to Jakob Snoer.
  Updated README.aix thanks to Stephen de Vries.
  Updated README.macosx thanks to Stephen de Vries.
  Renamed README.*'s to add .txt suffix to make life easier for some.
  Removed README.utf8 since the topic was covered better in the main docs.

  The Copyright terms for DBD::Oracle have been simplified and now read:
    The DBD::Oracle module is free software; you can redistribute it
    and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl 5.


As before, any and all testing would be greatly appreciated, but especially
testing of building against Oracle Instant Client and Oracle XE
on a range of platforms.


I'm delighted to say that Paul Vallee, President and Founder of the
Pythian Group (, has committed the company to
the ongoing development and maintenance of DBD::Oracle. You may already
have noticed John Scoles from Pythian being more active on the lists.

They'll be taking the lead for DBD::Oracle from now on and I'll be
supporting them. (The time I save will be put to use maintaining DBI v1
and especially working on the technologies that'll form part of DBI v2.)

We'll be making a more formal announcement with the DBD::Oracle 1.17 release.

If you have any questions AT ALL about this change please contact me.
(It'll help me ensure the announcement addresses any concerns :)


p.s. The Changes file in the distribution mentions a 'known problem' but that
was fixed. The Changes file just wasn't updated when the tar was made.

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