> It sounds like the behavior is what you'd expect if %ENV was cached
> instead of live (ie manipulating %ENV didn't alter the processes own
> 'native' environment variables until a subprocess was spawned).


winsup/cygwin ChangeLog environ.cc environ.h
    (win_env::add_cache): Add value to environment immediately if 
    "immediate" is set.


 "immediate" defaults to false. I couldn't find a user-configurable way of
setting it to true. This is the only place that calls the win32
SetEnvironmentVariable function - as opposed to putenv. For why this is bad
for our purposes, over to MSDN:


"_putenv and _wputenv affect only the environment that is local to the
current process; you cannot use them to modify the command-level
environment. That is, these functions operate only on data structures
accessible to the run-time library and not on the environment "segment"
created for a process by the operating system. When the current process
terminates, the environment reverts to the level of the calling process (in
most cases, the operating-system level). However, the modified environment
can be passed to any new processes created by _spawn, _exec, or system, and
these new processes get any new items added by _putenv and _wputenv."

 OK, so the Oracle DLL is unlikely to see any of these changes when it gets
dynamically loaded into the current Perl process - since the real
process-level environment block is unchanged via (perl)$ENV ->
(cygwin)putenv -> cache and/or (win32)_putenv. 



"The SetEnvironmentVariable function sets the contents of the specified
environment variable for the current process."

 We want that called when a (Cygwin) environment variable is changed. More
supporting evidence that's it's a Cygwin-level issue:


 There's a "noenvcache" option for the CYGWIN environment variable, but
since the only place that SetEnvironmentVariable is called is actually
inside the cache code, that doesn't help.

 It works on the native win32 version of Perl, because in
$PERL_SRC/win32/win32.c, function win32_putenv _does_ call

 So, what's the options? Here's some:

(1) Get Cygwin changed to sync up the win32 process environment with its own
environment more aggressively - or at least, to have the option to do so
(since it was presumably changed to not doing this for a good reason).

(2) Get Perl on Cygwin to call the native win32 SetEnvironmentVariable at
the same time as the cygwin putenv. This is probably a bad idea, since
cygwin does some conversion on environment variables that this would likely
interfere with.

(3) Get DBD::Oracle to call the win32 SetEnvironmentVariable directly, at
least during the testsuite, if building on Cygwin, rather than (or in
addition to) writing to $ENV. One module that looked promising was Env::C -
but even though this has "#if defined(WIN32)" tests, that just switches to
using _putenv instead of putenv - but not SetEnvironmentVariable.

(4) Limit the test suite under cygwin to only run those tests where
NLS_NCHAR is already set to the required value - i.e. never actually call

(1) and (2) would obviously take a while and need the agreement of the
maintainers of each. 

 I can have a look at (3) in DBD::Oracle, but it'll probably involve some C,
since the Win32 module (installable from cygwin's installer as
perl-libwin32) doesn't include SetEnvironmentVariable, and Win32::API won't

 Option (4) reduces the nchar test coverage quite a bit, so it's not very
satisfactory, but it would be simplest.

Andy Hassall :: [EMAIL PROTECTED] :: http://www.andyh.co.uk
http://www.andyhsoftware.co.uk/space :: disk and FTP usage analysis tool

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