I've recently surfaced a bug in a pure Perl DBD that
ChildHandles solves quite nicely...except it appears
to require Scalar::Util, which is not a CORE module
(tho perhaps it should be). While DBI gracefully degrades
if Scalar::Util isn't found - and ActiveState appears to include
it in its releases -, I'd suggest an addition to
Makefile.PL to test for its presence, and provide
a warning ala the RPC::PlServer test ? And perhaps
it should be included in Bundle::DBI ?

Here's my proposed addition at line 110 of Makefile.PL
for DBI-1.50 (the min version may need tweaking):

eval "use Scalar::Util 1.14 ();";
if ($@) {
    push @missing, 'Scalar::Util';
    print "\a",<<'MSG';
*** Note:
    The optional Scalar::Util module is not installed.
    If you want to use the ChildHandles attribute,
    you'll need to install Scalar::Util.
    You can install it any time after installing the DBI.
    You do *not* need this module for typical DBI usage.

    sleep 2;

Dean Arnold
Presicient Corp.

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