Karjala wrote:
How would one go about creating his own ODBC driver in Windows?

While that probably isn't terribly relevant to this list,
I'll humor your suggestion...

> Is it possible to do so with perl?

Theoretically, yes. See http://perldoc.perl.org/perlembed.html.
However, from a practical perspective, I'd suggest its likely
to be a very painful process.

In my less lucid moments (which some believe is most of them),
I considered a similar albeit more general solution to create an ODBC
driver which could load/encapsulate *any* DBI driver. Why ? Because
some of the more "exotic" DBI drivers might be very useful to the
general, Perl-ignorant data consuming public (primarily for all those
Windows apps which rely on ODBC, e.g., Excel). Which would permit
things like DBD::iPod, DBD::Google, DBD::Amazon, etc. to be plugged
into those tools.

While I've since struck upon a more flexible, yet more powerful
solution (which must remain stealthy for the present), I suspect
the original concept might be a welcome addition to CPAN, and a great
way to evangelize Perl to the computing masses.

> Is there an ODBC driver for Windows that will produce and
> send SOAP statements to a website instead of SQL statements
> to a database?

Probably somewhere, tho likely tailored to a specific web service.
While DBD::Amazon currently relies on REST, it could've been
implemented as SOAP. Likewise, the nascent DBD::eBay (which
relies on Net::eBay) doesn't truly use SOAP, just the
XML API, but could use SOAP. The trick is implementing an SQL
syntax and schema for the web service you're trying to map.
See SQL::Statement (and maybe DBD::AnyData or DBD::Amazon)
for how to do that.

So you've basically got 2 tasks before you: an ODBC wrapper for
DBI drivers, and a DBD::SOAP or somesuch for your web service.

Or you can just start hacking a lot of "C" code...

HTH, and best of luck,
Dean Arnold
Presicient Corp.

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