In Sybase 12.5 (don't know about earlier versions) there are three
columns in sysprocesses:

clientname         varchar  30 NULL  NULL     1 NULL   NULL   NULL     0
clienthostname   varchar  30 NULL  NULL     1 NULL   NULL   NULL     0
clientapplname   varchar  30 NULL  NULL     1 NULL   NULL   NULL

that are much longer than the "normally" used ones for this info:
hostname          char   10 NULL  NULL     0 NULL    NULL NULL 0
program_name   char   16 NULL  NULL     0 NULL    NULL NULL 0

Any chance that we can fill in the longer columns with DBD::Sybase?
I've checked my sysprocesses table and it looks like NONE of the
various clients we use around here fill those fields. DBD::Sybase
would be a good start.

Matthew O. Persico

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