On Thu, Jun 14, 2007 at 12:35:24PM -0400, John Scoles wrote:
>    Was Just playing around with DBD::Gofer today and came across the function 
> 'private_attribute_info'
>    that DBI now defines and the DBDs should have as well. As I am close to 
> release a new version of
>    DBD::Oracle I just wanted to ask you a quick question on it.
>    What exactly am I going to return?

I've updated the docs:

=head3 C<private_attribute_info>

  $hash_ref = $h->private_attribute_info();

Returns a reference to a hash whose keys are the names of driver-private
attributes available for the kind of handle (driver, database, statement)
that the method was called on.

For example, the return value when called with a DBD::Sybase $dbh could look 
like this:

      syb_dynamic_supported => undef,
      syb_oc_version => undef,
      syb_server_version => undef,
      syb_server_version_string => undef,

and when called with a DBD::Sybase $sth they could look like this:

      syb_types => undef,
      syb_proc_status => undef,
      syb_result_type => undef,

The values should be undef. Meanings may be assigned to particular values in 


Is that sufficient info?

>    I haven't seen any of the other DBDs implement it yet. Do you know of one 
> that is using it.

I don't think any do yet. It's used by Gofer. Without it driver-private
attributes won't work by default. (Gofer has some fallback data
built-in for a few driver, but DBD::Oracle isn't one of them.)


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