Thanks Paul was suspecting that myself but as usual in OCI is is one
little reff to it buried in the docs.

Iwill give it a try
> On Wed, 12 Mar 2008 10:22:11 -0400, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi Mark been playing with the code you sent me for the past day or two
>> and
>> unfortunetly I have have made little progress with it.
>> Seems I get the value out of the Database no problem of the type
>> OCI_TYPECODE_CLOB,  But I cannot tell if it is a lob_locator or not and
>> there seems no way to bind a decriptor to it.
> It is a pointer to a lob locator.   You need to do something like this:
> OCILobLocator *lobloc = *(OCILobLocator**)valuep;
> and then use OCILobGetLength and OCILobRead on the locator to get the data
> out.
> -P
>> So I am not sure I will be able to build in support for embedded clobs
>> in
>> the next version of DBD::Oracle
>> I will work on it a little more today as there is still one thing I have
>> not tried but I do not see much of a future in it.
>> cheers
>> John Scoles
>>> dear sir
>>> i attach a tarball containing a sqlplus script, mt.sql which creates a
>>> table and type, both of which contain an embedded clob field.
>>> the file mt.lst is the sqlplus spooled output of mt.sql, and you can
>>> see
>>> that the data is in the clob, and is accessible in the type.
>>> the other two files are and output mt.txt.
>>> the clob field doesn't appear in the embedded version of the query.
>>> i think this is a problem with DBD::Oracle.
>>> following your instructions, i am sending this to yourselves first.
>>> if i need to work on a fix, can u pls advise whereabouts i should look.
>>> thanks for your time and for any feedback you can provide.
>>> mr

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