Ok one bigger patch to DBI comming up

I guess I can use the following for


> On Fri, Mar 14, 2008 at 08:53:04AM -0400, John Scoles wrote:
>> So my proposal is to stub in
>> fetch_scroll
>> in DBI
>> and let the DBD drivers write their own implementation
> I'd _much_ rather one or driver implemented the functionality as
> driver-private methods before we try to define the DBI by guesswork.
> I'd also _much_ rather fetch_scroll() wasn't added until a fallback
> implementation existed for it in the DBI. In the same way that
> execute_array() and related methods weren't added until there was a
> fallback implementation in the DBI.
> It can't be that hard to add read-only cursor support.
> The guts of it would be something like...
>  - A $sth->{FetchedRows} attribute containing an array ref
>  - dbih_get_fbav() would see that attribute and instead of
>     reusing the same row buffer would allocate a new one and push it
>     on the end of the $sth->{FetchedRows} array.
>  - fetch_scroll() then just needs to have a concept of 'current row'
>    and can use $sth->{Active} to tell if there may be more to fetch.
>> This would be the same as "bind_param_inout_array" which is stubbed in
>> but
>> not implemented in DBI
> That's an (unfortunate) exception to the rule :)
> Tim.

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