
Thanks for taking the time to review my posting. I think that taking you
advice will solve >90% of the problems. It will still leave the program
exposed to unexpected "die", but it's much better than the current
status, where every "unexpected" fork/system need to be identified and

My new code has the following main loop: (code is running as CGI or

My $dbh = create_db_handle ;
My $pid = $$ ;
While ( my $cgi = get_next_cgi_request() ) {
        $dbh->{InactiveDestroy} = 0 ;
        eval { ... } ;
        $dbh->{InactiveDestroy} = 1 of $pid == $$ ;
$dbh->disconnect ;

As a side note, I think it will be very helpfull if this behavior will
be embedded into the DBI management (or into individual drivers). From
the little research that I did, the ability to use DBI connection across
fork calls is only limited to few embedded databases (sqlite, DBI, ...).
I could not find any DB that will work across "system" calls. For
All/most "regular" db products (Sybase, SQL Server, Oracle), having to
explicitly deal with connection destructions across system/fork is just
a pain.

Thanks again,

-----Original Message-----
From: Tim Bunce [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tim Bunce
Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2008 6:41 AM
To: Lenga, Yair [CMB-FICC]
Subject: Re: Automatically managing inactiveDestroy property.

Sounds like you could just set InactiveDestroy on all handles by
default, but then turn it off in the parent process just before it

You could also possibly play games overriding CORE::GLOBAL::fork() and


On Mon, Mar 24, 2008 at 12:04:48PM -0400, Lenga, Yair  wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a complex CGI program, which need to call external program, 
> while keeping the DBI connection open. I'm struggling with the 
> "InactiveDestroy" property. Per the DBI perldoc:
>            This attribute is specifically designed for use in Unix
> applica-
>            tions that "fork" child processes. Either the parent or the

> child
>            process, but not both, should set "InactiveDestroy" on all 
> their
>            shared handles.  Note that some databases, including 
> Oracle, don't
>            support passing a database connection across a fork.
> My problem is that I do not have any control over the interface to the

> external program (3rd party perl code that I can not modify), which is

> using both 'fork' and 'system'. In the past, I solved the problem 
> using the following method:
> - Before calling the 3rd party library, the code will fork.
> - The child will mark the inactiveDestroy.
> - Code will call the 3rd party library
> - Parent wait for child to complete.
> This logic worked OK until I got extra requirements to store the 
> results of the 3rd party calls in the DB. Initially, I tried to push 
> the results from the child to the parent (using a pipe), but this is 
> getting more complex - as I requirement expanded to pass more data 
> between the 3rd party calls and the DB.
> My questions/suggestion:
> Will it make sense to manage the 'inactiveDestroy' automatically using

> one of the following policies:
> (A) Remember in the DBI handle the PID of the calling process, and 
> assume the 'InactiveDestroy' was turned on when the handle goes out of

> scope on a process with a different PID (e.g, children). For me, this 
> solution will provide a clean handling of all the cases.
> (B) Add a new property 'AutoInactiveDestroy' which will do the same. 
> The code will have to turn this property on (when the connection is 
> created, or before the fork).
> I can not think of any situation where (A) will not work - but my 
> experience is limited to Linux/SunOS with Sybase/SQLITE/SQLServer.
> Any feedback will be appreciated.
> Regards,
> Yair Lenga

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