John Scoles wrote:

Martin Evans wrote:
Martin Evans wrote:
John Scoles wrote:
Ok how about try #2

You can find it here

Got rid of the 'OCIXMLTypeCreateFromSrc' waring, seems Oracle has released this in the API but not provided a ptototype for it.

Also added a patch to provide faster fetch from REF CURSORs

Looking forward to testing this as we use ref cursors a lot.


John Scoles

 From perl Makefile.PL:

Warning: the following files are missing in your kit:
Please inform the author
META.yml is nothing to worry about this is generated from CPAN one dose not need to include it in the tars when uploading

Really? Your old META.yml contained auto generated content from ExtUtils::MakeMaker but I am not aware of CPAN generating anything. The META.YML in DBD::ODBC could not be generated and contains a lot of stuff I specifically put in like build_requires etc.

Previous compiler warnings mostly fixed but I've now got 2 new ones:

oci8.c:1390: warning: comparison is always false due to limited range of data type oci8.c:1390: warning: comparison is always true due to limited range of data type

which are down to:

ub1 tz_hour;
if (  (tz_hour<0) && (tz_hour>-10) )

ok I will fix that one I guess it mus be a singned int not unsigned

IIRC it came from some OCI API.

Make test succeeds for all tests executed which specifically excludes:

all skipped: DBI version 1.59 does not supprt iThreads use version 1.602 or later
all skipped: DBI version 1.59 does not supprt iThreads use version 1.602 or later

Note minor typo "supprt".

Looking at the timezone compiler warning I don't think this will impact on us much so I'll go ahead and install this RC on my test system and get back to you.


Sorry, I forgot to provide platform information:

This is perl, v5.8.8 built for i386-linux-thread-multi
DBI 1.59.
Linux Fedora Core release 5 (Bordeaux)
Intel Xeon (32bit)
Oracle Database XE 10.1

I also tried to the same database as above but with instant client with the same result.


Ok will do another RC later today or tomorrow depending on what comes in.

Thanks Martin

Martin J. Evans
Easysoft Limited

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