På Wed, 15 Oct 2008 15:41:37 +0200, skrev Jonathan Leffler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

[...] wanting to build Perl with both DBI and DBD::Informix statically linked.
Does anyone have any recent experience building Perl with static modules?

I used to create and maintain a custom perl build with many bundled
modules (CPAN and non-CPAN) for a commercial application.

I don't have *really* recent experience, but everytime I tried to
statically link even builtin modules like 'Socket', 'IO' or others,
I failed. Probably it's my ignorance of the process, but I never
managed to do that.

Note that I tried first with core modules because I thought
that would be simpler, just needing to tell ./Configure to
enable static linking for, say, 're'.

My ultimate goal was to bundle DBI and DBD::Pg.
As I said, I never managed to do that.
We went for the '/opt/perl' + '/opt/{informix|freetds|pg|sybase|...}' way.

BTW, any pointers or success stories on static linking
would be appreciated.


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