jeff wrote:
Hi friends in the DBI community,

After many years of maintaining SQL::Statement and various pure-Perl DBDs (RAM, AnyData, File, CSV) I've now finally admitted that I am far too busy to do an adequate job with the modules. Although I'll stay on as co-maintainer and help out when I can, the active development will pass into the capable hands of H.Merijn Brand (DBD::CSV and DBD::File) and Jens Rehsack (all the rest). I'd like to thank both of them for stepping in and especially Jens who has tackled the thankless task of straightening out some of the messes I created in SQL::Statement. I'd also like to thank the many people over the years who sent bug reports and patches and jumped in to help when I needed it, especially Tim Bunce and Dean Arnold.

Thanks for all your help w/ S::S (and your patience w/ me)

I've also been afflicted with "too busy to keep up w/ my CPAN goods" syndrome
and may need to seek co-maintainers soon.

I hope your new endeavors are as fun as Perl hacking (I wish mine were 8^/)

- Dean Arnold

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