I've just uploaded a new release of DBIx::Log4perl to CPAN. The changes:

0.18  Mon January 22 2010

  Minor speedups in bind_param, bind_param_inout and execute methods.
    Thanks to Devel::NYTProf.

  Minor speedups in _unseen_sth.
    Thanks to Devel::NYTProf.

  Fix rt 53755 (fetchrow_array ignoring calling context). Thanks to
  Bill Rios for spotting this and identifying the problem.

  Log attributes passed to the connect call.

  When outputting the result of a selectall_* it didn't show the
  connection number.

  Add support for clone.
  NOTE: This changes introduces incompatibilities from previous versions as
        all attribute names have changed to become lower case.

Please let me know if you find any problems.

Martin J. Evans
Easysoft Limited

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