Tim writes:
> I'm curious about the environment you're targeting
> that doesn't have a compiler. Can you enlighten me?

Target is any one of the 3.5% of systems where DBI doesn't install for
one reason or another (see cpantesters stats for latest stable build).

> I'd happily take a patch to Makefile.PL that detects the lack of a
> C compiler and then alters %opts so WriteMakefile() writes a Makefile
> that won't try to compile DBI.xs etc etc.

A missing C compiler is just one out of many things that could cause a
build to fail. How about using the package manager's built-in support for
this kind of thing to catch all scenarios?

AFAICT, no matter how much energy is put into a solution that lives
inside the system (= DBI cpan package), it will never be able to beat
something that lives outside the system (such as a package manager).

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