Hi DBI Developers,

I need a nudge to the right direction for my ideas how to get DBD::Sys
more extensible. My current way is, each plugin can define tables and
each table has to define it's column names and a way to retrieve the

This is simple, works fine as long the extensions are controller by
a group of maintainers but has one (from my point of view) nasty

Table PROCS - Unix implementation uses Proc::ProcessTable, Win32
implementation will use Win32::Process::Info. Of coursem they will
reside in different plugins. When one fine day Proc::ProcessTable
will support Win32, too - I get a conflict.

So I thought the best idea would be to separate the table definitions
from the data providers. And there I need a nudge how to do it the
"best" way for future extensibility.

Of course, other hints how to improve some things are very welcome,
too :)


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