On 01/02/2011 11:04 AM, Martin J. Evans wrote:
On 01/02/11 15:50, John Scoles wrote:
  On 01/02/2011 10:44 AM, Tim Bunce wrote:
On Sun, Jan 30, 2011 at 05:46:49PM +0000, Martin J. Evans wrote:
   push @$tuple_status, [ $sth->err, $sth->errstr, $sth->state ];

     so I guess the pod should say:

     "If the execution of a tuple causes an error, then the corresponding 
status array element will be set to
     a reference to an array containing the err, errstr and state set by the 
failed execution. If that is the
     case let me know and I'll amend the pod. Otherwise, I'll need to know what 
was intended.
Yes, the state should be included and mentioned in the docs. Thanks.

# NOTE: I'd like to do the following test but it requires Multiple
# Active Statements and although I can find ODBC drivers which do this
# it is not easy (if at all possible) to know if an ODBC driver can
# handle MAS or not.
Perhaps try to run it and if it gets an error, and the error indicates
lack of MAS, then skip the test.


p.s. Sorry for the delay.
Ok I will have to add that into DBD::Oracle,  What exactly should go into the 
"State"  I am sort of unclear on what should be there?

The state if you have not got one is S1000 - see state in DBI docs. I've not 
checked but I think if you don't set it when you call set_err (or the macro for 
XS) it defaults to S1000 if it is an error.

Funny in SQL for Ada there is a function to covert ot the SQLSTATE codes to ORA. Nothing like in in OCI though:(. Unfortunately there is no corresponding Oracle code for S1000 '01000' is success with warning though

I will add that in

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