On 04/02/2011 20:00, Martin J. Evans wrote:

At the LPW I think I promised to add connection and encoding trace flags to DBI which add to the already existing SQL flag. I never got around to it and Merijn reminded me today on #dbi. The change is trivial and once implemented I will replace DBD::ODBC trace flags for connection and encoding with the standard DBI ones. There only remains 2 small issues wrt to this which need confirming:

1. DBI currently says
    return 0x00000100 if $name eq 'SQL';

and as there is no macro for 0x00000100 I have the following in DBD::ODBC:

/* Can't find a constant in DBI for SQL tracing but it is 256 */
#define SQL_TRACE_FLAG 0x100

and then code like this:

   if (DBIc_TRACE(imp_dbh, SQL_TRACE_FLAG, 0, 3)) {
       TRACE1(imp_dbh, "    SQLExecDirect %s\n", SvPV_nolen(statement));

Should there be macros for DBI's trace flags and if so where do they go (in DBIXS.h?)

2. I propose adding connection and encoding flags to DBI - so far they've kept pretty short:


so I've replicated this with:

    sub parse_trace_flag {
    my ($h, $name) = @_;
    #      0xddDDDDrL (driver, DBI, reserved, Level)
    return 0x00000100 if $name eq 'SQL';
    return 0x00000200 if $name eq 'CON';
    return 0x00000400 if $name eq 'ENC';


Currently the DBI only defines four trace flags:

  ALL - turn on all DBI and driver flags (not recommended)
  SQL - trace SQL statements executed
        (not yet implemented in DBI but implemented in some DBDs)
  CON - trace connection process
        (not yet implemented in DBI but implemented in some DBDs)
  ENC - trace encoding (unicode translations etc)
        (not yet implemented in DBI but implemented in some DBDs)

is this ok?

and 2 supplementals:

3. I could look into implementing some/all those flags in DBI but it seems these areas are pretty much covered with trace levels right now and in any case, I cannot find prepare in DBI (for SQL tracing) anyway.

4. Lastly (and not wanting to get in Merijn's way who agreed to look at it) but at the same workshop you discussed dbd_verbose (or whatever some DBDs have added support for) with Merijn and we think you said there is space in the trace settings for DBD trace settings. Apparently some DBDs only want DBD tracing and not DBI tracing so trace level is no good as it always includes DBI tracing. I think you were talking about reserving some space for DBDs only - perhaps you could remind us - the idea being settings (or a setting) which outputs DBD tracing but not DBI tracing.

I've looked in to what ora_verbose/dbd_verbose does and it seems it simply duplicates the trace level in a separate setting and requires checking along with each check on DBI's trace level. I don't much like this and think it might be better to just add a DBI "DBD" trace flag so any DBD can do:

if (DBIc_TRACE(imp_dbh, DBD_TRACE_FLAG, 0, 3)) {

I'll add that to the list above unless I get any negative feedback.


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