On Fri, 11 Feb 2011 13:43:34 -0500, John Scoles <sco...@pythian.com>

> Here is the latest and greatest DBD::Oracle for your programming pleasure.
> You can find the Zip file here

A ZIP is a quite unusual way to release CPAN modules, even for RC's

> <a 
> href="http://www.pythian.com/news/wp-content/uploads/DBD-Oracle-1.28_RC_1.zip";>DBD-Oracle-1.28-RC1.zip</A>

You need to work on longdouble support I guess

Sorry for the long mail. I think it contains a lot of info to digest :)

A summary for a few boxes ...

1. Linux
   HP xw6400 Xeon(R) CPU E5320 @1.86GHz/1596(4) x86_64

Using DBI 1.616 (for perl 5.010001 on x86_64-linux) installed in 
Configuring DBD::Oracle for perl 5.010001 on linux (x86_64-linux)
Installing on a linux, Ver#2.6
Using Oracle in /pro/oracle/v11.2
Oracle version (11.2)
Found /usr/share/oracle/11.2/client64/demo.mk
Using /usr/share/oracle/11.2/client64/demo.mk
Your LD_LIBRARY_PATH env var is set to 
Reading /usr/share/oracle/11.2/client64/demo.mk
Found header files in /usr/include/oracle/11.2/client64.

DBD-Oracle-1.28_RC_1 > make test
PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /pro/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(0, 
'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t
t/01base.t .............. # Test loading DBI, DBD::Oracle and version
t/01base.t .............. ok
t/10general.t ........... ok
t/12impdata.t ........... ok
t/14threads.t ........... skipped: this linux perl 5.010001 not configured to 
support iThreads
t/15nls.t ............... ok
t/20select.t ............ ok
t/21nchar.t ............. ok
t/22nchar_al32utf8.t .... ok
t/22nchar_utf8.t ........ ok
t/23wide_db.t ........... skipped: Database character set is not Unicode
t/23wide_db_8bit.t ...... skipped: Database character set is not Unicode
t/23wide_db_al32utf8.t .. skipped: Database character set is not Unicode
t/24implicit_utf8.t ..... ok
t/25plsql.t ............. ok
t/26exe_array.t ......... ok
t/28array_bind.t ........ ok
t/30long.t .............. ok
t/31lob.t ............... 2/12
t/31lob.t ............... Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)
Failed 4/12 subtests
t/31lob_extended.t ...... ok
t/32xmltype.t ........... ok
t/34pres_lobs.t ......... ok
t/40ph_type.t ........... 1/19  Placeholder behaviour for ora_type=1 VARCHAR2 
(the default) varies with Oracle version.
 Oracle 7 didn't strip trailing spaces, Oracle 8 did, until 9.2.x
 Your system doesn't. If that seems odd, let us know.
t/40ph_type.t ........... ok
t/50cursor.t ............ ok
t/51scroll.t ............ ok
t/55nested.t ............ ok
t/56embbeded.t .......... ok
t/58object.t ............ ok
t/60reauth.t ............ skipped: ORACLE_USERID_2 not defined.
t/70meta.t .............. ok
t/80ora_charset.t ....... skipped: Database is set up as US7ASCII

Test Summary Report
t/31lob.t             (Wstat: 256 Tests: 9 Failed: 1)
  Failed test:  9
  Non-zero exit status: 1
  Parse errors: Bad plan.  You planned 12 tests but ran 9.
Files=30, Tests=2509, 25 wallclock secs ( 0.61 usr  0.08 sys +  5.44 cusr  0.97 
csys =  7.10 CPU)
Result: FAIL
Failed 1/30 test programs. 1/2509 subtests failed.
make: *** [test_dynamic] Error 255

DBD-Oracle-1.28_RC_1 > prove -vwb t/31lob.t
t/31lob.t ..
ok 1 - returned valid locator
ok 2 - inserted into BLOB successfully
ok 3 - got back what we put in
ok 4 - returned valid locator
ok 5 - returned valid locator
ok 6 - returned initialized locator
ok 7 - returned length
ok 8 - returned written value
not ok 9 - returned length via PL/SQL

#   Failed test 'returned length via PL/SQL'
#   at t/31lob.t line 152.
#          got: undef
#     expected: '40000'
Errors in file :
OCI-21500: internal error code, arguments: [kghufree_06], [0x000C68978], [0], 
[0], [0], [], [], []
 in file :
OCI-21500: internal error code, arguments: [kghufree_06], [0x000C68978], [0], 
[0], [0], [], [], []
Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)
Failed 4/12 subtests

Test Summary Report
t/31lob.t (Wstat: 256 Tests: 9 Failed: 1)
  Failed test:  9
  Non-zero exit status: 1
  Parse errors: Bad plan.  You planned 12 tests but ran 9.
Files=1, Tests=9,  1 wallclock secs ( 0.03 usr  0.01 sys +  0.09 cusr  0.04 
csys =  0.17 CPU)
Result: FAIL

2. Linux
   HP EliteBook 8540p Core(TM) i5 CPU M 540 @ 2.53GHz/1199(4) i686

Configuring DBD::Oracle for perl 5.012002 on linux (i686-linux-64int-ld)
Installing on a linux, Ver#2.6
Using Oracle in /pro/oracle/v11.2
Oracle version (11.2)
Found /usr/share/oracle/11.2/client/demo.mk
Using /usr/share/oracle/11.2/client/demo.mk
Your LD_LIBRARY_PATH env var is set to '/pro/oracle/v11.2/lib'
Reading /usr/share/oracle/11.2/client/demo.mk
Found header files in /usr/include/oracle/11.2/client.

DBD-Oracle-1.28_RC_1 > make test
PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /pro/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(0, 
'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t
t/01base.t .............. # Test loading DBI, DBD::Oracle and version
t/01base.t .............. ok
t/10general.t ........... ok
t/12impdata.t ........... ok
t/14threads.t ........... skipped: this linux perl 5.012002 not configured to 
support iThreads
t/15nls.t ............... ok
t/20select.t ............ ok
t/21nchar.t ............. ok
t/22nchar_al32utf8.t .... ok
t/22nchar_utf8.t ........ ok
t/23wide_db.t ........... skipped: Database character set is not Unicode
t/23wide_db_8bit.t ...... skipped: Database character set is not Unicode
t/23wide_db_al32utf8.t .. skipped: Database character set is not Unicode
t/24implicit_utf8.t ..... ok
t/25plsql.t ............. ok
t/26exe_array.t ......... ok
t/28array_bind.t ........ ok
t/30long.t .............. ok
t/31lob.t ............... ok
t/31lob_extended.t ...... ok
t/32xmltype.t ........... ok
t/34pres_lobs.t ......... ok
t/40ph_type.t ........... 1/19  Placeholder behaviour for ora_type=1 VARCHAR2 
(the default) varies with Oracle version.
 Oracle 7 didn't strip trailing spaces, Oracle 8 did, until 9.2.x
 Your system doesn't. If that seems odd, let us know.
t/40ph_type.t ........... ok
t/50cursor.t ............ ok
t/51scroll.t ............ ok
t/55nested.t ............ ok
t/56embbeded.t .......... ok
t/58object.t ............ 1/50

t/58object.t ............ Dubious, test returned 4 (wstat 1024, 0x400)
Failed 4/50 subtests
t/60reauth.t ............ skipped: ORACLE_USERID_2 not defined.
t/70meta.t .............. ok
t/80ora_charset.t ....... skipped: Database is set up as US7ASCII

Test Summary Report
t/58object.t          (Wstat: 1024 Tests: 50 Failed: 4)
  Failed tests:  26, 30, 32-33
  Non-zero exit status: 4
Files=30, Tests=2512, 30 wallclock secs ( 0.66 usr  0.06 sys +  4.35 cusr  0.54 
csys =  5.61 CPU)
Result: FAIL
Failed 1/30 test programs. 4/2512 subtests failed.

DBD-Oracle-1.28_RC_1 412 > prove -vwb t/58object.t
t/58object.t ..
ok 1 - ora_objects flag is set to 1
ok 2 - ora_objects flag is set to 0
ok 3 - The object isa DBI::db
ok 4 - Fetch current schema name
ok 5 - old: Prepare select
ok 6 - old: Execute select
ok 7 - old: Fetch first row
ok 8 - old: Row 1 column 2 is an ARRAY
ok 9 - old: Row 1 column 2 is has 2 elements
ok 10 - old: Fetch second row
ok 11 - old: Row 2 column 2 is an ARRAY
ok 12 - old: Row 2 column 2 is has 2 elements
ok 13 - old: Fetch third row
ok 14 - old: Row 3 column 2 is an ARRAY
ok 15 - old: Row 3 column 2 is has 2 elements
ok 16 - old: No more rows expected
ok 17 - new: Prepare select
ok 18 - new: Execute select
ok 19 - new: Fetch first row
ok 20 - new: Row 1 column 2 is an DBD:Oracle::Object
ok 21 - new: Row 1 column 2 object type
ok 22 - new: Row 1 column 2 object attributes
ok 23 - new: Fetch second row
ok 24 - new: Row 2 column 2 is an DBD::Oracle::Object
ok 25 - new: Row 2 column 2 object type
not ok 26 - new: Row 1 column 2 object attributes

#   Failed test 'new: Row 1 column 2 object attributes'
#   at t/58object.t line 161.
#     Structures begin differing at:
#          $got->[7] = '12345.678899999999'
#     $expected->[7] = '12345.6789'
ok 27 - new: Fetch third row
ok 28 - new: Row 3 column 2 is an DBD::Oracle::Object
ok 29 - new: Row 3 column 2 object type
not ok 30 - new: Row 1 column 2 object attributes

#   Failed test 'new: Row 1 column 2 object attributes'
#   at t/58object.t line 168.
#     Structures begin differing at:
#          $got->[7] = '777.666000000000054'
#     $expected->[7] = '777.666'
ok 31 - new: No more rows expected
not ok 32 - DBD::Oracle::Object->attr_hash

#   Failed test 'DBD::Oracle::Object->attr_hash'
#   at t/58object.t line 183.
#     Structures begin differing at:
#          $got->{AMOUNT} = '777.666000000000054'
#     $expected->{AMOUNT} = '777.666'
not ok 33 - DBD::Oracle::Object->attr

#   Failed test 'DBD::Oracle::Object->attr'
#   at t/58object.t line 184.
#     Structures begin differing at:
#          $got->{AMOUNT} = '777.666000000000054'
#     $expected->{AMOUNT} = '777.666'
ok 34 - DBD::Oracle::Object->attr("NAME")
ok 35 - new: Prepare select with nested table of objects
ok 36 - new: Execute (nested table)
ok 37 - new: Fetch first row (nested table)
ok 38 - Check propertes of first (and only) item in nested table
ok 39 - new: No more rows expected (nested table)
ok 40 - new: Prepare select with nested object
ok 41 - new: Execute (nested object)
ok 42 - new: Fetch first row (nested object)
ok 43 - Check obj.num
ok 44 - Check obj.obj
ok 45 - new: Fetch second row (nested object)
ok 46 - Check obj.num
ok 47 - Check obj.obj
ok 48 - new: Fetch third row (nested object)
ok 49 - Check obj
ok 50 - new: No more rows expected (nested object)
# Looks like you failed 4 tests of 50.
Dubious, test returned 4 (wstat 1024, 0x400)
Failed 4/50 subtests

Test Summary Report
t/58object.t (Wstat: 1024 Tests: 50 Failed: 4)
  Failed tests:  26, 30, 32-33
  Non-zero exit status: 4
Files=1, Tests=50,  0 wallclock secs ( 0.04 usr  0.00 sys +  0.09 cusr  0.01 
csys =  0.14 CPU)
Result: FAIL

Some warnings to notice:

dbdimp.c: In function ‘dbd_rebind_ph_char’:
dbdimp.c:2666:20: warning: cast from pointer to integer of different size
dbdimp.c: In function ‘dbd_rebind_ph_xml’:
dbdimp.c:2864:17: warning: cast to pointer from integer of different size
dbdimp.c: In function ‘ora_bind_ph’:
dbdimp.c:3157:6: warning: format ‘%ld’ expects type ‘long int’, but argument 2 
has type ‘IV’
dbdimp.c:3166:5: warning: format ‘%ld’ expects type ‘long int’, but argument 2 
has type ‘IV’
dbdimp.c:3200:4: warning: format ‘%ld’ expects type ‘long int’, but argument 3 
has type ‘IV’
dbdimp.c: At top level:
dbdimp.c:287:1: warning: ‘oratype_rebind_ok’ defined but not used

oci8.c: In function ‘ora_blob_read_mb_piece’:
oci8.c:1735:4: warning: format ‘%ld’ expects type ‘long int’, but argument 6 
has type ‘ub4’
oci8.c: In function ‘ora_st_fetch’:
oci8.c:3893:9: warning: format ‘%ld’ expects type ‘long int’, but argument 4 
has type ‘IV’
oci8.c:3901:9: warning: format ‘%ld’ expects type ‘long int’, but argument 3 
has type ‘IV’

3. Linux
   HP Z200 Core(TM) i5 CPU 660 @ 3.33GHz/1199(2) x86_64

Using DBI 1.616 (for perl 5.012002 on x86_64-linux-ld) installed in 
Configuring DBD::Oracle for perl 5.012002 on linux (x86_64-linux-ld)
Installing on a linux, Ver#2.6
Using Oracle in /pro/oracle/v11.1.0
Oracle version (11.1)
Found /pro/oracle/v11.1.0/rdbms/lib/ins_rdbms.mk
Using /pro/oracle/v11.1.0/rdbms/lib/ins_rdbms.mk
Your LD_LIBRARY_PATH env var is set to 
Reading /pro/oracle/v11.1.0/rdbms/lib/ins_rdbms.mk
Reading /pro/oracle/v11.1.0/rdbms/lib/env_rdbms.mk
Found header files in /pro/oracle/v11.1.0/rdbms/public.

oci8.c: In function ‘ora_blob_read_mb_piece’:
oci8.c:1735: warning: format ‘%ld’ expects type ‘long int’, but argument 6 has 
type ‘ub4’

DBD-Oracle-1.28_RC_1 > make test
PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /pro/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(0, 
'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t
t/01base.t .............. # Test loading DBI, DBD::Oracle and version
t/01base.t .............. ok
t/10general.t ........... ok
t/12impdata.t ........... ok
t/14threads.t ........... skipped: this linux perl 5.012002 not configured to 
support iThreads
t/15nls.t ............... ok
t/20select.t ............ ok
t/21nchar.t ............. ok
t/22nchar_al32utf8.t .... ok
t/22nchar_utf8.t ........ ok
t/23wide_db.t ........... skipped: Database character set is not Unicode
t/23wide_db_8bit.t ...... skipped: Database character set is not Unicode
t/23wide_db_al32utf8.t .. skipped: Database character set is not Unicode
t/24implicit_utf8.t ..... ok
t/25plsql.t ............. ok
t/26exe_array.t ......... ok
t/28array_bind.t ........ ok
t/30long.t .............. ok
t/31lob.t ............... 1/12
t/31lob.t ............... Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)
Failed 4/12 subtests
t/31lob_extended.t ...... ok
t/32xmltype.t ........... ok
t/34pres_lobs.t ......... ok
t/40ph_type.t ........... 1/19  Placeholder behaviour for ora_type=1 VARCHAR2 
(the default) varies with Oracle version.
 Oracle 7 didn't strip trailing spaces, Oracle 8 did, until 9.2.x
 Your system doesn't. If that seems odd, let us know.
t/40ph_type.t ........... ok
t/50cursor.t ............ ok
t/51scroll.t ............ ok
t/55nested.t ............ ok
t/56embbeded.t .......... ok
t/58object.t ............ 1/50

t/58object.t ............ Dubious, test returned 4 (wstat 1024, 0x400)
Failed 4/50 subtests
t/60reauth.t ............ skipped: ORACLE_USERID_2 not defined.
t/70meta.t .............. ok
t/80ora_charset.t ....... skipped: Database is set up as US7ASCII

Test Summary Report
t/31lob.t             (Wstat: 256 Tests: 9 Failed: 1)
  Failed test:  9
  Non-zero exit status: 1
  Parse errors: Bad plan.  You planned 12 tests but ran 9.
t/58object.t          (Wstat: 1024 Tests: 50 Failed: 4)
  Failed tests:  26, 30, 32-33
  Non-zero exit status: 4
Files=30, Tests=2509,  8 wallclock secs ( 0.33 usr  0.04 sys +  3.19 cusr  0.50 
csys =  4.06 CPU)
Result: FAIL
Failed 2/30 test programs. 5/2509 subtests failed.

DBD-Oracle-1.28_RC_1 > prove -vwb t/31lob.t t/58object.t
t/31lob.t .....
ok 1 - returned valid locator
ok 2 - inserted into BLOB successfully
ok 3 - got back what we put in
ok 4 - returned valid locator
ok 5 - returned valid locator
ok 6 - returned initialized locator
ok 7 - returned length
ok 8 - returned written value
not ok 9 - returned length via PL/SQL
Errors in file :
OCI-21500: internal error code, arguments: [kghufree_06], [0x000C3CE28], [0], 
[0], [0], [], [], []
6Errors in file :
OCI-21500: internal error code, arguments: [kghufree_06], [0x000C3CE28], [0], 
[0], [0], [], [], []

#   Failed test 'returned length via PL/SQL'
#   at t/31lob.t line 152.
#          got: undef
#     expected: '40000'
Dubious, test returned 1 (wstat 256, 0x100)
Failed 4/12 subtests
t/58object.t ..
ok 1 - ora_objects flag is set to 1
ok 2 - ora_objects flag is set to 0
ok 3 - The object isa DBI::db
ok 4 - Fetch current schema name
ok 5 - old: Prepare select
ok 6 - old: Execute select
ok 7 - old: Fetch first row
ok 8 - old: Row 1 column 2 is an ARRAY
ok 9 - old: Row 1 column 2 is has 2 elements
ok 10 - old: Fetch second row
ok 11 - old: Row 2 column 2 is an ARRAY
ok 12 - old: Row 2 column 2 is has 2 elements
ok 13 - old: Fetch third row
ok 14 - old: Row 3 column 2 is an ARRAY
ok 15 - old: Row 3 column 2 is has 2 elements
ok 16 - old: No more rows expected
ok 17 - new: Prepare select
ok 18 - new: Execute select
ok 19 - new: Fetch first row
ok 20 - new: Row 1 column 2 is an DBD:Oracle::Object
ok 21 - new: Row 1 column 2 object type
ok 22 - new: Row 1 column 2 object attributes
ok 23 - new: Fetch second row
ok 24 - new: Row 2 column 2 is an DBD::Oracle::Object
ok 25 - new: Row 2 column 2 object type
not ok 26 - new: Row 1 column 2 object attributes

#   Failed test 'new: Row 1 column 2 object attributes'
#   at t/58object.t line 161.
#     Structures begin differing at:
#          $got->[7] = '12345.678899999999'
#     $expected->[7] = '12345.6789'
ok 27 - new: Fetch third row
ok 28 - new: Row 3 column 2 is an DBD::Oracle::Object
ok 29 - new: Row 3 column 2 object type
not ok 30 - new: Row 1 column 2 object attributes

#   Failed test 'new: Row 1 column 2 object attributes'
#   at t/58object.t line 168.
#     Structures begin differing at:
#          $got->[7] = '777.666000000000054'
#     $expected->[7] = '777.666'
ok 31 - new: No more rows expected
not ok 32 - DBD::Oracle::Object->attr_hash

#   Failed test 'DBD::Oracle::Object->attr_hash'
#   at t/58object.t line 183.
#     Structures begin differing at:
#          $got->{AMOUNT} = '777.666000000000054'
#     $expected->{AMOUNT} = '777.666'
not ok 33 - DBD::Oracle::Object->attr

#   Failed test 'DBD::Oracle::Object->attr'
#   at t/58object.t line 184.
#     Structures begin differing at:
#          $got->{AMOUNT} = '777.666000000000054'
#     $expected->{AMOUNT} = '777.666'
ok 34 - DBD::Oracle::Object->attr("NAME")
ok 35 - new: Prepare select with nested table of objects
ok 36 - new: Execute (nested table)
ok 37 - new: Fetch first row (nested table)
ok 38 - Check propertes of first (and only) item in nested table
ok 39 - new: No more rows expected (nested table)
ok 40 - new: Prepare select with nested object
ok 41 - new: Execute (nested object)
ok 42 - new: Fetch first row (nested object)
ok 43 - Check obj.num
ok 44 - Check obj.obj
ok 45 - new: Fetch second row (nested object)
ok 46 - Check obj.num
ok 47 - Check obj.obj
ok 48 - new: Fetch third row (nested object)
ok 49 - Check obj
ok 50 - new: No more rows expected (nested object)
# Looks like you failed 4 tests of 50.
Dubious, test returned 4 (wstat 1024, 0x400)
Failed 4/50 subtests

Test Summary Report
t/31lob.t   (Wstat: 256 Tests: 9 Failed: 1)
  Failed test:  9
  Non-zero exit status: 1
  Parse errors: Bad plan.  You planned 12 tests but ran 9.
t/58object.t (Wstat: 1024 Tests: 50 Failed: 4)
  Failed tests:  26, 30, 32-33
  Non-zero exit status: 4
Files=2, Tests=59,  1 wallclock secs ( 0.03 usr  0.01 sys +  0.13 cusr  0.04 
csys =  0.21 CPU)
Result: FAIL

4. HP-UX 11.11/64 U
   rp3410/64 PA8800/800(2) pa-2.0

Configuring DBD::Oracle for perl 5.010001 on hpux (PA-RISC2.0-LP64)
Installing on a hpux, Ver#11.11
Using Oracle in /pro/oracle/v920
Oracle version (9.2)
Found /pro/oracle/v920/rdbms/demo/demo_rdbms.mk
Found /pro/oracle/v920/rdbms/lib/ins_rdbms.mk
Found /pro/oracle/v920/precomp/demo/proc/demo_proc.mk
Using /pro/oracle/v920/rdbms/demo/demo_rdbms.mk
Your LD_LIBRARY_PATH/SHLIB_PATH env var is set to 
Reading /pro/oracle/v920/rdbms/demo/demo_rdbms.mk
Reading /pro/oracle/v920/rdbms/lib/env_rdbms.mk
Found header files in /pro/oracle/v920/rdbms/public /pro/oracle/v920/rdbms/demo.

$ make
cc -c  -I/pro/oracle/v920/rdbms/public -I/pro/oracle/v920/rdbms/demo 
-I/pro/oracle/v920/rdbms/demo -I/pro/oracle/v920/rdbms/public 
-I/pro/oracle/v920/plsql/public -I/pro/oracle/v920/network/public 
-I/pro/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.10.1/PA-RISC2.0-LP64/auto/DBI -Ae 
-DPERL_DONT_CREATE_GVSV +Z -z -D_HPUX_SOURCE -Wl,+vnocompatwarnings +DD64 
-I/pro/local/include -D_LARGEFILE_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 +O2 +Onolimit   
-DVERSION=\"1.27\" -DXS_VERSION=\"1.27\" +Z 
"-I/pro/lib/perl5/5.10.1/PA-RISC2.0-LP64/CORE"  -DUTF8_SUPPORT 
-DORA_OCI_VERSION=\"\" dbdimp.c
cc:  487: warning : Possibly incorrect message catalog.
cc: "dbdimp.c",  462:  1588: , line : error OCI_ATTR_ACTION: "" undefined.
cc: "dbdimp.c",  462:  563: , line : warning #5: Argument  is not the correct 
cc: "dbdimp.c",  462:  727: , line : warning Argument #6:  truncates pointer 
into 32 bit integer.
cc: "dbdimp.c",  462:  563: , line : warning #1: Argument  is not the correct 
cc: "dbdimp.c",  471:  1588: , line : error OCI_ATTR_MODULE: "" undefined.
cc: "dbdimp.c",  471:  563: , line : warning #5: Argument  is not the correct 
cc: "dbdimp.c",  471:  727: , line : warning Argument #6:  truncates pointer 
into 32 bit integer.
cc: "dbdimp.c",  471:  563: , line : warning #1: Argument  is not the correct 
cc: "dbdimp.c",  489:  1588: , line : error OCI_ATTR_CLIENT_INFO: "" undefined.
cc: "dbdimp.c",  489:  563: , line : warning #5: Argument  is not the correct 
cc: "dbdimp.c",  489:  727: , line : warning Argument #6:  truncates pointer 
into 32 bit integer.
cc: "dbdimp.c",  489:  563: , line : warning #1: Argument  is not the correct 
cc: "dbdimp.c",  1269:  1588: , line : error OCI_ATTR_ACTION: "" undefined.
cc: "dbdimp.c",  1269:  563: , line : warning #5: Argument  is not the correct 
cc: "dbdimp.c",  1269:  727: , line : warning Argument #6:  truncates pointer 
into 32 bit integer.
cc: "dbdimp.c",  1269:  563: , line : warning #1: Argument  is not the correct 
cc: "dbdimp.c",  1281:  1588: , line : error OCI_ATTR_CLIENT_INFO: "" undefined.
cc: "dbdimp.c",  1281:  563: , line : warning #5: Argument  is not the correct 
cc: "dbdimp.c",  1281:  727: , line : warning Argument #6:  truncates pointer 
into 32 bit integer.
cc: "dbdimp.c",  1281:  563: , line : warning #1: Argument  is not the correct 
cc: "dbdimp.c",  1286:  1588: , line : error OCI_ATTR_MODULE: "" undefined.
cc: "dbdimp.c",  1286:  563: , line : warning #5: Argument  is not the correct 
cc: "dbdimp.c",  1286:  727: , line : warning Argument #6:  truncates pointer 
into 32 bit integer.
cc: "dbdimp.c",  1286:  563: , line : warning #1: Argument  is not the correct 
make: *** [dbdimp.o] Error 1

5. HP-UX 11.31/64 U
   rx2660/64 Itanium 2 9100/1710(2) ia64

Using DBI 1.616 (for perl 5.012002 on IA64.ARCHREV_0-LP64-ld) installed in 
Configuring DBD::Oracle for perl 5.012002 on hpux (IA64.ARCHREV_0-LP64-ld)
Installing on a hpux, Ver#11.31
Using Oracle in /pro/oracle/v102
Oracle version (10.2)
Found /pro/oracle/v102/rdbms/demo/demo_rdbms.mk
Found /pro/oracle/v102/rdbms/demo/demo_rdbms64.mk
Found /pro/oracle/v102/rdbms/lib/ins_rdbms.mk
Using /pro/oracle/v102/rdbms/demo/demo_rdbms.mk
Your LD_LIBRARY_PATH/SHLIB_PATH env var is set to 
Reading /pro/oracle/v102/rdbms/demo/demo_rdbms.mk
Reading /pro/oracle/v102/rdbms/lib/env_rdbms.mk
Found header files in /pro/oracle/v102/rdbms/public.

"dbdimp.c", line 287: warning #2177-D: function "oratype_rebind_ok" was
          declared but never referenced
  oratype_rebind_ok(int dbtype) /* all are vrcar any way so just use it */

"oci8.c", line 1735: warning #2181-D: argument is incompatible with
          corresponding format string conversion
                        fbh->field_num+1, ftype, offset, len, destoffset, 

"oci8.c", line 4624: warning #2001-D: last line of file ends without a newline

DBD-Oracle-1.28_RC_1 > make test
PERL_DL_NONLAZY=1 /pro/bin/perl "-MExtUtils::Command::MM" "-e" "test_harness(0, 
'blib/lib', 'blib/arch')" t/*.t
t/01base.t .............. # Test loading DBI, DBD::Oracle and version
t/01base.t .............. ok
t/10general.t ........... ok
t/12impdata.t ........... ok
t/14threads.t ........... skipped: this hpux perl 5.012002 not configured to 
support iThreads
t/15nls.t ............... ok
t/20select.t ............ ok
t/21nchar.t ............. ok
t/22nchar_al32utf8.t .... ok
t/22nchar_utf8.t ........ ok
t/23wide_db.t ........... skipped: Database character set is not Unicode
t/23wide_db_8bit.t ...... skipped: Database character set is not Unicode
t/23wide_db_al32utf8.t .. skipped: Database character set is not Unicode
t/24implicit_utf8.t ..... ok
t/25plsql.t ............. ok
t/26exe_array.t ......... ok
t/28array_bind.t ........ ok
t/30long.t .............. ok
t/31lob.t ............... ok
t/31lob_extended.t ...... ok
t/32xmltype.t ........... ok
t/34pres_lobs.t ......... ok
t/40ph_type.t ........... 1/19  Placeholder behaviour for ora_type=1 VARCHAR2 
(the default) varies with Oracle version.
 Oracle 7 didn't strip trailing spaces, Oracle 8 did, until 9.2.x
 Your system doesn't. If that seems odd, let us know.
t/40ph_type.t ........... ok
t/50cursor.t ............ ok
t/51scroll.t ............ ok
t/55nested.t ............ ok
t/56embbeded.t .......... ok
t/58object.t ............ 5/50

t/58object.t ............ Dubious, test returned 4 (wstat 1024, 0x400)
Failed 4/50 subtests
t/60reauth.t ............ skipped: ORACLE_USERID_2 not defined.
t/70meta.t .............. ok
t/80ora_charset.t ....... skipped: Database is set up as US7ASCII

Test Summary Report
t/58object.t          (Wstat: 1024 Tests: 50 Failed: 4)
  Failed tests:  26, 30, 32-33
  Non-zero exit status: 4
Files=30, Tests=2512, 30 wallclock secs ( 0.66 usr  0.19 sys + 10.92 cusr  2.04 
csys = 13.81 CPU)
Result: FAIL
Failed 1/30 test programs. 4/2512 subtests failed.
make: *** [test_dynamic] Error 255

DBD-Oracle-1.28_RC_1 > prove -vwb t/58object.t
t/58object.t ..
ok 1 - ora_objects flag is set to 1
ok 2 - ora_objects flag is set to 0
ok 3 - The object isa DBI::db
ok 4 - Fetch current schema name
ok 5 - old: Prepare select
ok 6 - old: Execute select
ok 7 - old: Fetch first row
ok 8 - old: Row 1 column 2 is an ARRAY
ok 9 - old: Row 1 column 2 is has 2 elements
ok 10 - old: Fetch second row
ok 11 - old: Row 2 column 2 is an ARRAY
ok 12 - old: Row 2 column 2 is has 2 elements
ok 13 - old: Fetch third row
ok 14 - old: Row 3 column 2 is an ARRAY
ok 15 - old: Row 3 column 2 is has 2 elements
ok 16 - old: No more rows expected
ok 17 - new: Prepare select
ok 18 - new: Execute select
ok 19 - new: Fetch first row
ok 20 - new: Row 1 column 2 is an DBD:Oracle::Object
ok 21 - new: Row 1 column 2 object type
ok 22 - new: Row 1 column 2 object attributes
ok 23 - new: Fetch second row
ok 24 - new: Row 2 column 2 is an DBD::Oracle::Object
ok 25 - new: Row 2 column 2 object type
not ok 26 - new: Row 1 column 2 object attributes

#   Failed test 'new: Row 1 column 2 object attributes'
#   at t/58object.t line 161.
#     Structures begin differing at:
#          $got->[7] = '12345.6788999999989755451679229736'
#     $expected->[7] = '12345.6789'
ok 27 - new: Fetch third row
ok 28 - new: Row 3 column 2 is an DBD::Oracle::Object
ok 29 - new: Row 3 column 2 object type
not ok 30 - new: Row 1 column 2 object attributes

#   Failed test 'new: Row 1 column 2 object attributes'
#   at t/58object.t line 168.
#     Structures begin differing at:
#          $got->[7] = '777.666000000000053660187404602766'
#     $expected->[7] = '777.666'
ok 31 - new: No more rows expected
not ok 32 - DBD::Oracle::Object->attr_hash

#   Failed test 'DBD::Oracle::Object->attr_hash'
#   at t/58object.t line 183.
#     Structures begin differing at:
#          $got->{AMOUNT} = '777.666000000000053660187404602766'
#     $expected->{AMOUNT} = '777.666'
not ok 33 - DBD::Oracle::Object->attr

#   Failed test 'DBD::Oracle::Object->attr'
#   at t/58object.t line 184.
#     Structures begin differing at:
#          $got->{AMOUNT} = '777.666000000000053660187404602766'
#     $expected->{AMOUNT} = '777.666'
ok 34 - DBD::Oracle::Object->attr("NAME")
ok 35 - new: Prepare select with nested table of objects
ok 36 - new: Execute (nested table)
ok 37 - new: Fetch first row (nested table)
ok 38 - Check propertes of first (and only) item in nested table
ok 39 - new: No more rows expected (nested table)
ok 40 - new: Prepare select with nested object
ok 41 - new: Execute (nested object)
ok 42 - new: Fetch first row (nested object)
ok 43 - Check obj.num
ok 44 - Check obj.obj
ok 45 - new: Fetch second row (nested object)
ok 46 - Check obj.num
ok 47 - Check obj.obj
ok 48 - new: Fetch third row (nested object)
ok 49 - Check obj
ok 50 - new: No more rows expected (nested object)
# Looks like you failed 4 tests of 50.
Dubious, test returned 4 (wstat 1024, 0x400)
Failed 4/50 subtests

Test Summary Report
t/58object.t (Wstat: 1024 Tests: 50 Failed: 4)
  Failed tests:  26, 30, 32-33
  Non-zero exit status: 4
Files=1, Tests=50,  1 wallclock secs ( 0.05 usr  0.02 sys +  0.17 cusr  0.05 
csys =  0.29 CPU)
Result: FAIL

> This is a long overdue maintenance release  that fixes a large number of 
> bug and issues which are detailed below in the Changes.
> Don't worry there are some new goodies in this release namely I have 
> added in 4 new
> server side tracing/debugging attributes
> <strong>ora_driver_name</strong>
> For 11g and later you can now set the name of the driver layer using OCI.
> PERL, PERL5, ApachePerl so on. Names starting with "ORA" are reserved. You
> can enter up to 8 characters.  If none is enter then this will default to
> DBDOxxxx where xxxx is the current version number. This value can be
> retrieved on the server side using V$SESSION_CONNECT_INFO or
> <strong>ora_client_info</strong>
> When passed in on the connection attributes it can specify any info you want
> onto the session up t0 64 bytes. This value can be
> retrieved on the server side using V$SESSION view.
> <strong>ora_client_identifier</strong>
> When passed in on the connection attributes it specifies the user 
> identifier
> in the session handle. Most useful for web app as it can pass in the session
> user name which might be different than the connection user name. Can be up
> to 64 bytes long do not to include the password for security reasons and the
> first character of the identifier should not be ':'. This value can be
> retrieved on the server side using V$SESSION view.
> <strong>ora_action</strong>
> You can set this value to anything you want up to 32byes.This value can be
> retrieved on the server side using V$SESSION view.
> We have also added in the connection attribute
> <strong>ora_connect_with_default_signals</strong>
> Whit this attribute you can localize the $SIG{} so this should solve the
> problems with  $SIG{} events that sometimes occur when using DBD::Oracle
> Finally I would like to thank Martin Evans for volunteering to be 
> another co-maintainer of DBD::Oracle
> Cheers
> John Scoles
> Changes
>    Added connection attribute 'ora_connect_with_default_signals' that 
> will localize Perl's $SIG{INT} handler from Brian Phillips and T. Bunce
>    Fix in execute_array to stop possible endless loop when using a fetch 
> sub by Martin J. Evans
>    Adapted Martin J. Evans' ODBC 70execute_array.t into t/26exe_array.t 
> by John Scoles
>    Fix for execute_array to bring it up to spec. by Martin J. Evans and 
> John Scoles
>    Marked ProC, Oraperl.pm, ora_explain.pl, ora_context, 
> ora_use_proc_connection and ora_parse_lang as deprecated  to be removed 
> in 1.29
>    Added in 4 new server side debug/trace attributes, ora_driver_name, 
> ora_client_info, ora_session_user and ora_action on the connection 
> handle from John Scoles
>    Cleaned up the pod a little by John Scoles
>    Fix for function name length, Some function names are over 31char 
> long which may cause problems for some OS/Compilers (VMS IA64 box.) from 
> Jakob Snoer
>    Fix for OCIPing in case where a 10 client tries to ping a &lt;10 DB 
> from Tim Oertel
>    Fix for DBD-Oracle stored proc with array bug where second call array 
> size is unchanged from Tim Oertel
>    Fix for rt.cpan.org Ticket #=63332: Spelling error in POD from jonasbn
>    Fix for rt.cpan.org Ticket #=62152: t/28array_bind.t and t/31lob.t 
> may call plan() twice and others do not fail on not connect from John Scoles
>    Fix for rt.cpan.org Ticket #=61511 ORA-00942 when inserting into a 
> table with a LOB column over a synonym on HP-UX from Kris Lemaire
>    Fix for rt.cpan.org Ticket #=42842 Test 31lob fails with 64-bit 
> Instant Client by John Scoles
>    Fix for support for objects on big endian platforms from Charles 
> Jardine, John R Pierce
>    Fix for rt.cpan.org Ticket #=61225 Windows install (Stawberry Perl) 
> fails on long path names from David Tulloh
>    Fix for rt.cpan.org Ticket #=rt64524 Memory Leak when Oracle 
> connection fails by Martin J. Evans
>    Added all the missing ora_drcp values to dbh private_attribute_info 
> by Martin J. Evans
>    Removed a load of attributes from sth private_attribute_info which 
> are not handle attributes but attributes to bind_param/prepare by Martin 
> J. Evans
>    Fix for rt.cpan.org Ticket #=64244 - don&#039;t bail out, skip tests 
> when we cannot connect by Martin J. Evans and John Scoles
>    Added DBI to PREREQ_PM in Makefile.PL by Martin J. Evans
>    Added build_requires in Makefile.PL by Martin J. Evans
>    Added workaround for ExtUtils::MakeMaker problems by Martin J. Evans
>    Added LICENSE to Makefile.PL by Martin J. Evans
> Cheers John Scoles

H.Merijn Brand  http://tux.nl      Perl Monger  http://amsterdam.pm.org/
using 5.00307 through 5.12 and porting perl5.13.x on HP-UX 10.20, 11.00,
11.11, 11.23 and 11.31, OpenSuSE 10.1, 11.0 .. 11.3 and AIX 5.2 and 5.3.
http://mirrors.develooper.com/hpux/           http://www.test-smoke.org/
http://qa.perl.org      http://www.goldmark.org/jeff/stupid-disclaimers/

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