DBI does not define what happens wrt transactions when disconnect is called.

Up to DBD::ODBC 1.29, DBD::ODBC always called SQLEndTran(SQL_ROLLBACK) to roll 
back any outstanding transactions (if AutoCommit was off) before calling 
SQLDisconnect. This means the outstanding transaction that is rolled back is 
hidden and that there is a difference between:

my $h = DBI->connect("dbi:ODBC:test","test","test", {AutoCommit => 0, 
RaiseError=>1, PrintWarn => 1});
$h->do(q/insert into mje values(?, ?)/, undef, 1, "fred");
# disconnect not called


my $h = DBI->connect("dbi:ODBC:test","test","test", {AutoCommit => 0, 
RaiseError=>1, PrintWarn => 1});
$h->do(q/insert into mje values(?, ?)/, undef, 1, "fred");
$h->disconnect or die $DBI::errstr;

because in the first case DBI catches the possible outstanding txn in DESTROY 
and issues:

Issuing rollback() due to DESTROY without explicit disconnect() of 
DBD::ODBC::db handle test.

but in the second case DBD::ODBC will rollback the transaction before 
disconnecting and there is no error or warning.

I don't really like this behaviour and would like to change it so in the second 
case above, DBD::ODBC issues a warning before rolling the txn back so you'd get 
something like:

DBD::ODBC::db disconnect warning: Disconnect with transaction in progress - 
rolling back

Obviously if you have PrintWarn turned off or are not using warnings it won't 
make any difference to you. Anyone have any fundamental objections to this 

Martin J. Evans
Easysoft Limited

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