On 09/02/12 09:15, Martin J. Evans wrote:
I've been testing 1.617 on our development system and have not encountered any 
problems as yet. However, I notice a few UNKNOWN smoke reports like the 
following one (on mac):


It appears the archname on some Perls for OSX is 
"archname=darwin-debug-nothreads" when useithreads=undef and DBI does:

$::opt_thread = 1; # thread if we can, use "-nothread" to disable
if ($Config{useithreads}) {
$::opt_thread = 1;
} else {
if ($Config{archname} =~ /thread/ && $::opt_thread) {
die "*** ABORTED.\n";
$::opt_thread = 0;

Any reason not to change that to exclude "nothread".


In addition, tests are failing 
because people have PERL_UNICODE set to SAL. The failure is:

t/80proxy.t ..................... skipped: modules required for proxy are 
probably not installed (e.g., RPC/PlClient.pm)

#   Failed test 'pipeone: DBI 
 failed: DBD::Gofer::Transport::pipeone command (/home/mauke/usr/local/bin/perl 
-Mblib=/home/mauke/.cpan/build/DBI-1.617-meDLEf/blib -MDBI::Gofer::Transport::pipeone -e 
run_one_stdio) failed: utf8 "\x81" does not map to Unicode at 
/home/mauke/.cpan/build/DBI-1.617-meDLEf/blib/lib/DBI/Gofer/Transport/pipeone.pm line 27, 
<STDIN> chunk 1.
# Error thawing: Frozen string corrupt - contains characters outside 0-255 at 
/home/mauke/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.14.2/i686-linux/Storable.pm line 416, <STDIN> line 1, at 
/home/mauke/.cpan/build/DBI-1.617-meDLEf/blib/lib/DBI/Gofer/Serializer/Storable.pm line 56 
(data="GoFER1:&#5;&#8;DBI::Gofer::Request&#3;), pid 7532 stack trace follows: at 
/home/mauke/.cpan/build/DBI-1.617-meDLEf/blib/lib/DBI/Gofer/Transport/Base.pm line 98, <STDIN> line 1
 called at 
 line 29
#       DBI::Gofer::Transport::pipeone::run_one_stdio() called at -e line 1
# Error thawing: Frozen string corrupt - contains characters outside 0-255 at 
/home/mauke/usr/local/lib/perl5/5.14.2/i686-linux/Storable.pm line 416, <STDIN> line 1, at 
/home/mauke/.cpan/build/DBI-1.617-meDLEf/blib/lib/DBI/Gofer/Serializer/Storable.pm line 56 
(data="GoFER1:&#5;&#8;DBI::Gofer::Request&#3;) at 
/home/mauke/.cpan/build/DBI-1.617-meDLEf/blib/lib/DBI/Gofer/Transport/Base.pm line 99, <STDIN> line 1. 
at t/85gofer.t line 155
# '
#   at t/85gofer.t line 113.

Should we skip those tests when PERL_UNICODE is set?


Martin J. Evans
Easysoft Limited

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