On 14/03/12 10:37, Tim Bunce wrote:
On Wed, Mar 14, 2012 at 08:52:38AM +0000, Martin J. Evans wrote:
On 13/03/12 21:44, Tim Bunce wrote:
On Fri, Mar 02, 2012 at 03:11:17PM +0000, Tim Bunce wrote:

The second patch, which makes DBIS more efficient, is a lot more complex,
and more likely to break things (especially as it's changing a bunch of
macros that are directly #included by the DBD drivers. You may need to
bump API version numbers; I don't understand that bit.

I'm concerned that changing the API, and thus forcing all compiled
drivers to be recompiled at the same time the DBI is installed,
isn't worth the gain. Especially as drivers shouldn't be using DBIS in
any hot code anyway.

On the other hand, I want whatever speed I can get so I am happy to
recompile any DBDs to get it. Do people like me have to do without
improvements for the sake of those who don't want to recompile their
DBDs or can it be done in some other way or opt in.

Per my recent message, implicit usage of DBIS is higher than I'd thought.
The DBI will certain get Dave's improvements in some form, and yes,
drivers will need to be recompiled. In fact they may *have* to be

I don't think DBD::ODBC uses any DBIS stuff

I had a (very) quick look and it loosk good. It's even using DBIc_TRACE() :)

I thought I was pretty up to date.

There are cases where an imp_sth is passed as a parameter yet
D_imp_xxh(sth) is being called. So you end up with imp_sth and imp_xxh
pointers that point to the same thing. See dbd_st_fetch and dbd_bind_ph for
example.  Just delete the D_imp_xxh(sth); line and change all imp_xxh in
the function to be imp_sth instead. There may be cases where the same
applies with imp_dbh.

Yeah, thanks, I'll fix those.
There are other places where internal functions use the D_imp_xxh(h)
initializer but that could be avoided by passing in imp_xxh from the
caller. (And by *_xxh I mean _dbh, _sth - whichever is appropriate.)

I'll do that too.
but to be sure I'd echo
Merijn's reply; if you could point out what to look for and an
approach I'd happily change any DBD I could run and provide patches
for it (currently I have ODBC, Pg, Oracle, CSV, SQLite, mysql and all
those you get with DBI).

Let me know if my reply to Merijn wasn't clear or complete enough.

It was fine.
I'll try and find time to sort Oracle out unless Yanick steps in.
I also meant to change Oracle to use DBD trace flag etc which gets rid of loads 
of ora_verbose code all over the place but I've not had time as yet as the 
level or rts reported for Oracle keeps me pretty busy.

Martin J. Evans
Easysoft Limited

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