On 2013.03.15 4:05 AM, CV, Tejaswi (SPD) wrote:
We have a C++ application which uses Perl 5.8.2, DBD-SQLite-1.13 and DBI-1.54.
Due to a multithreading issue in perl which we are facing, we want to migrate
to latest Perl.
We got the source of Perl 5.14.3, complied it and then got the latest source
versions of DBD-SQLite and DBI which is DBD-SQLite-1.37 and DBI-1.623.
In order to compile the source of DB-SQLite 1.37, we need to compile DBI 1.57.
I tried compiling DBI 1.57 and got the below error
So, I took the latest source of DBI which is DBI 1.623 and compiled it, this
compiles and I installed also. But when I try to compile the SQLlite 1.37
source, it says DBI 1.57 is required to configure this module; please install
it or upgrade your CPAN/CPANPLUS shell.\n....
But I cannot compile DBI 1.57 as I get the errors like above.
Can you please suggest how I can resolve the errors of DBI 1.57 compilation or
how can I compile DBD-SQLite-1.37 with DBI-1.623
When a Perl module says it needs X version of a module, it means X or later. So
you should only be attempting with DBI 1.623 and not with an older DBI version.
You already said DBI 1.623 compiled and installed properly, so stick with that
and don't try to do DBI 1.57. If DBI is actually installed (you did "make
install") then the latest DBD::SQLite should work; if it doesn't then that's a
separate problem. -- Darren Duncan