Hmm you always come up with the head scratchers,
You are most likely on the right track.  Somewhere way in the back of my mind I 
recall that the fetchall_arrayref  was optimized for speed, and so the binding 
was left out but I am going back almost 10 years by memory.
Do the other DBD do the same thing??
> Date: Mon, 3 Jun 2013 10:43:20 +0100
> From:
> To:
> Subject: problem with bound columns and fetchall_arrayref with a slice
> Hi,
> I've just hit a problem with bind_col and fetchall_arrayref when a slice is 
> used and I'm wondering how I might fix it. I'm using DBD::Oracle and setting 
> a bind type and some attributes but as soon as a slice is used in 
> fetchall_arrayref, DBI rebinds the columns and I lose the column type and 
> attribute. Here is an example:
> # $sth is just a select with 4 column
> # the first column is an integer and we want to keep it that way
> # as the result will be JSONified and we don't want JSON to think it
> # is a string and put quotes around it
> $sth->bind_col (1, undef, {TYPE => SQL_INTEGER, DiscardString => 1});
> my $list = $sth->fetchall_arrayref({});
> print Dumper ($list);
> Without the slice it produces:
> $VAR1 = [
>            [
>              11,
>              'Abandoned',
>              '1358247475.860400',
>              '1358247475.860400'
>            ],
> and with the slice it produces:
> $VAR1 = [
>            {
>              'modified_date_time' => '1358247475.860400',
>              'market_status_id' => '11',
>              'name' => 'Abandoned',
>              'created_date_time' => '1358247475.860400'
>            },
> Notice the slice caused the market_status_id to look like a string. This 
> happens because DBI binds the columns when you use a slice and it is 
> overriding what was set for column 1 in the bind this code does.
> So this is how bind_col ends up being called:
> BIND COL 1 (TYPE => SQL_INTEGER, DiscardString => 1)
> BIND COL 1 (no type (i.e. type = 0) and no attrs)
> BIND COL 2 (no type and no attrs)
> BIND COL 3 (no type and no attrs)
> BIND COL 4 (no type and no attrs)
> The code in DBD::Oracle is possibly flawed in that every time bind_col is 
> called it does:
>       imp_sth->fbh[field-1].req_type = type;
>       imp_sth->fbh[field-1].bind_flags = 0; /* default to none */
> regardless of whether bind_col has been called before and set a type or 
> attributes. As type is a parameter to dbd_st_bind_col anyone not wishing to 
> set a type has to say 0.
> I could fix my usage case by simply saying if bind_col has been called for a 
> column which already has a type set and the incoming type is 0 don't touch it 
> and if no attributes are passed don't clear any existing ones. It would work 
> for me but I'd like to hear any comments.
> Martin

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