Am 23.11.2013 um 02:13 schrieb David E. Wheeler <>:

> DBI Folks & Gisle,
> I want to add support for specifying database connections as URIs to Sqitch, 
> my DB change management system. I started working on it today, following the 
> examples of JDBC and PostgreSQL. Before I release, though, I’d like a bit of 
> feedback on a couple of things.
> First, I'm using the database name as the scheme in the URL. Some examples:
>    postgresql://user@localhost:5433/dbname
>    sqlite:///path/to/foo.db
> This is to make it easy to tell one DB from another. But I'm wondering if I 
> should follow the example of JDBC more closely, and prepend "db:" or 
> something to them. More like DBI DSNs, too. However, it would require a bit 
> more work, as does not currently recognize multiple colon-delimited 
> strings as scheme names AFAICT. :-(

With that simplified scheme, you will never be able
to support any DBI::DBD::SqlEngine derived driver.
While you can configure on postgresql, mysql, oracle
etc. a lot in configuration files and special tables,
you can’t for DBD::CSV or DBD::DBM.
The complete 

    DBI->connect($dsn, $user, $passwd, \%attr)

4th argument is wasted in your current proposal.
A lot of simple arguments can be encoded in DSN,
but more complex stuff would require some kind of
serialization (eg. JSON). Hacking JSON on CLI is
always a charm ;)
Thinking of Gofer (or other proxies) can shoot
you in a new kind of hell ;)

> Next, I've added a bunch of URI subclasses for various database engines. I’m 
> not to familiar with some of them, so if you see any listed here where the 
> name (to be used in the scheme) and the default port is wrong, please let me 
> know:
> Thanks!
> David
> PS: Is this something the DBI might want to use?

Jens Rehsack

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