Max, you can distinguish a missing column from a null one quite easily in regular Perl. If "exists $hash->{key}" is false then the column doesn't exist, where if that is true but "defined $hash->{key}" is false then it exists but is null. -- Darren Duncan

On 2/10/2014, 10:57 AM, Max Maischein wrote:
Hi all,

I recently discovered the greatness that is Hash::Util::lock_ref_keys , when
used together with ->fetchall_arrayref() like this:

     my $rows= $sth->fetchall_arrayref( {} };
     for( @$rows ) {
         lock_ref_leys( $_ );

This prevents me from accessing hash keys that don't exist. Usually, this is
inconvenient, but with SQL query results, I (too) often encounter different case
for the column names, or other inconsistencies. Especially when columns are
allowed to be NULL, it may take me a while to figure out that I'm looking at the
wrong key.

I'd like to enable this returning of locked hashes from within DBI, preferrably
on a per-$dbh-level:

     my $dbh= DBI->connect( $dsn, 'scott', 'tiger', { RaiseError => 1,
StrictResults => 1 });

Alternatively, I'm also open to suggestions on how to best implement this
feature in a separate module, tentatively named DBI::strict. I've thought about
doing some AUTOLOAD reflection onto the real $dbh, but I'm unsure about how to
best approach wrapping arbitrary DBD handles/statement handles with my
DBI::strict::st without interfering. Also, I'd appreciate hints on what
subroutine(s) would be the most appropriate to enable locking the hashes, as I
want to write as little new code for such a feature as necessary.

Thanks for reading,

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