My understanding from the last discussion on this matter is that it was agreed DBD::mysql would be forked such that the existing DBD::mysql name would be frozen at 4.041/3 indefinitely and that the 4.042 changes plus any further feature development would take place under a new name such as DBD::mysql2 version 5.0.

So those people using "DBD::mysql" would not experience any changes in behavior from what they were used to and BLOB etc should not break. Whereas people that want the Unicode fixes and other features would use the DBD::mysql2 and fix their code to be compatible with its breaking changes.

I thought this was settled, and takes care of your concerns, so it was just a matter of "make it so".

(Anyone replying to this message/thread, please do NOT include my personal email address as an explicit recipient, only send it to the list addresses, I will get those.)

-- Darren Duncan

On 2017-11-07 3:41 AM, Night Light wrote:
For the reason of "silence":
I've spoken to other users to hear that they have passively withdrawn from this
discussion as they are not motivated to be part of a release where concerns
about backwards compatibility are ignored. One of the users wrote earlier
(replace the word "sector" with "release"):

"When you're dealing with software that's purpose in life is to not corrupt
data, and have data there tomorrow, you go out of your way not to break that
promise. There's no point in being involved in this sector if you don't care to
deliver on that promise."

Re-releasing the 4.042 changes will break the contract of a long-standing
interface and corrupt all BLOB data when using "do()". These changes do
therefore more harm than good.
Putting these utf8 changes in the freezer until a suggestion is made that will
add the functionality instead of replacing it is not a sin. The PG driver has
for instance also a similar issue open without plans to fix it anytime soon.

What is your objection against using the current 4.043 branch and work on
outstanding fixes, do a pre-release, a period of time for people to test/try
out, then release?

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